Thanks chaps.
Andy, the Squadron Badge wasn't too bad, as it's just three arrow heads on a white disc, not the full crest. That said, it's quite small in 1/72nd scale (disc diameter about 7mm) so it took a steady(ish) hand and patience.
Thanks Vic. With luck, I'll see some Spits at Sywell, maybe the Sidney Cotton Electra, and possibly meet-up with a couple of the pilots I know.
If I get any reasonable pics, I'll post a thread when I get back.
I forgot to mention - S&M Models got a couple of things wrong with this kit. The small cargo door on the rear starboard side is depicted full size, like the para door, when it should be half the height, but easily fixed. A little more irritating are the props, as they're cast in white metal and "handed", i.e. the pitch is opposite on each prop, when they should be the same, each prop rotating clockwise when viewed from the front.
I took the chance and painted the de-icer bots on the blades to represent the correct look, and hope that the different pitch settings aren't noticed !