Hasegawa 1/48 Ki-43II

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Add-ons: Rising Decals, "Dying Sun Pt.III
AAAAAss: S.B.S Model resin innards

Time to get this going. As is my wont, an oddball scheme; Nakajima Ki-43-II Oscar was captured at Hollandia, New Guinea in 1944

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According to www.scalemates.com this kit was released in 2001, the first of 15 subsequent re-releases. The parts look very nice, a quick once over shows recessed panel lines and no flash. One of the issues I've read in other builds is the fit of the wing tip parts, filling and sanding required. This is the first kit I've build that has the tips in two halves (nice one Hasegawa) so I'll see if joining the tip halves to the wing halve first will alleviate most or all of the problem. The goods...


The innards...


The dee-cals. This is my second foray into this sheet, I also have the bottom two kits to finish it off....

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Very cool Geo. This GB is turning out to be popular again. Nice to see. As for Japanese types, I will be no help ( I won't say zero this time as the pun was used already).
nice choice geo. the aftermarket stuff looks impressive, and Hasegawa have a good reputation. Should be a good build
Thanks guys. Impulse buy Terry. I had no intention of getting one as the Hasegawa interior is very nice but when I saw it at half price including shipping I snagged it up. Not one to normally use resin, I'm going to have to figure out how to safely remove some of the parts, especially the one top center, the rear decking. Where it narrows to a point, the stub and part become one. The side panels are almost a drop fit into the fuselage halve but the instructions say to remove 0.5 - 0.6mm from the fuselage. I think it might be easier to remove the resin from the stub after its removed. Heading down the 200km long skating rink to PG in a few hours so if I make it back. I'll get some pics up to show what's going on
Anyhoo, I barely made it down the iced up driveway with the garbage can. Thought I would post pics of the difference between the cock pit pics.


I removed the left side from its backing and did a test drive before final tidying up. Not too shabby, unsure if it does need thinning. A tad more worried about the cockpit floor but that's later

Thanks Andy and Wojtek. The above part was slowly cut off the backing using a scalpel, probably took about 15 minutes. If you look back to Post #2 I'll probably use a grinder on the rear decking and the gun sight (pt. 13). I'll be sure to use a respirator here. I have 2, compliments of the paper mill when it went down, have about 30 filter cartridges as well. :twisted:
And your off. the resin is easier than it looks. most people do tend to paint on installation, There are some benefits to pre-painting ive found. big issue with cockpit add ons is making sure they don't interfere with assembly
Thanks guy. Can't go wrong Karl, lots of color and markings options. If you get the Hasegawa kits I wouldn't bother with any resin bits

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