Hasegawa 1/48 P-400 Airacobra

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I wouldn't have noticed the edges if Wojtek hadn't enlarge the photo. Anyhoo.....Canucks are getting hammered and the second period isn't over so it's time to decal. I've added lots of red centers to roundels from different companies before but this is new to me. Eagle Strike has a faint marking to help line up the center...

...while that is a help, there is no mention of this(these) decals.

They look like propeller markings. There is another set of prop markings but the instruction don't mention them either. Is this Eagle Strikes way of telling me not to use them?

Good stuff Geo, and yes, they're Curtiss Electric prop decals. If applied, they should be with one prop blade vertical, pointing towards the prop tip, with the writing (if legible) right reading.
I agree with Terry. The set of decal markings is for the Curtiss Electric propeller. The second one you mentioned is for the Aeroprop product methinks. Here are images for both props.

The Curtiss Electric prop attached to the P-39C ...

The Aeroprop propeller used for most of P-39s ...

Thanks guys, confirmed, those are the decals needed for my aircraft but for some reason, Eagle Strike has rendered them useless by running that black bar through them. Eagle Strike even mentions in the instruction references to use these decals....odd.

Thanks Gerry. Satisfied that the easily replaceable roundels survived, I was just about to apply the codes when I remembered the exhaust stains were under the codes or that the codes had been cleaned, so I added some flat and dirtied up the exhaust area.

Good stuff Geo. The series of photos of the real aircraft were taken on a PR Press day, so it's virtually certain the aircraft, and the code letters, were 'tarted up' for the occasion.
Thanks guys. GBs are done and time to knock the dust off this as evidenced by the dust on the roundels which were added after my last post. Temporarily on her legs to see if I needed to add any more weight.

A test fit of the port door shows a lot of grinding to make a clean fit. As entry was generally made through the starboard door, I'll leave them both open.

Thanks guys. Hit a snag on finals, the canopy is too small width wise. This is the same on both sides

It's made of very, very stiff plastic so spreading it is not an option. Once it's firmly attached, I'll run a bead of glue around it and touch up. Also note the difference in the Ocean Gray, the fuselage clear coated with Future, the windscreen not. Paint to be removed on the windscreen noted.


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