HC 1/32 P-40B

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May 24, 2012
I have a friend near here who loves my builds, I don't know why, maybe hes daft, but he does and he asked me to build him a P-40 so I chose this one I got from the vendors at the last show I went to. So far it seems right nice and I am happy with the results so far.

I have my modeling sprites to keep me company and offer their help anytime Pawpaw needs it.

So far I assembled the engine to just before the exhaust stubs and the engine mount and hoses. I am really trying to make this a superb kit for this guy as now I have a reputation. I used RLM 76 on this as it is the closest match to the color pics I have seen lately and with a little wash it will look a bit more realistic on the other end of the scale. I plan to leave the hood and gun covers off on this one unless something happens.

Well with all the help I got in the past three days this is how far I got. I have 24 exhaust stubs and about a dozen more hoses and pipes to go. This engine is about as involved as the Tamiya Merlin but not quite as accurate. Good fit too.

The most fun part so far was painting the head bolts.
Nice love the engine so far at least its more detailed than the Otaki P-40 engine in 1/48
It certainly is - nicely done. A bit late with this, sorry. I forgot I had this shot, which might help later. Taken at Duxford a couple of years back.


  • Czech 029.jpg
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well I finished the pit and engine assembly. I added some paint in the closest colors I had or could mix and put every thing in its place.
I know the exhaust stubs are crooked but I think it adds character.

Looks darned good to me Paul! Do those instrument decals come with the kit, or are they from Waldron or similar? They're very effective.
Well thanks for the flowers and as for the instruments that is a film that is sandwiched between two pieces, Trumpy and HB kits in 32 usually come with these and if you use future to paste it to the back of the IP then paint the backing white you get this result.then I lay C/A along the edge of the three pieces and voila!
some times I replace the film with color etch and it looks better to me that way but that would take some surface removal on the ip face to make it work better.
Thanks for the info. I've used a similar method in the past, making my own panel using a photograph scaled as required, in the days when I had access to a process camera - long before PCs! But I'll admit that was on a large scale project.

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