Member In Perpetuity
She's a beaut, I feel like jumping in and taking her for a spin...
Last year I bought a Testors P-38 for my boy, and uhhh, we did not do so well... It sat around half-done in my fishing tackle shop for several months before I sadly discarded it. Don't understand why doing things like reel repair is so natural for me but when I try to put a model together I struggle. I respect those who can put one together so nicely.
I have that problem with plastic/scale models. I can whup up on a
balsa/tissue rubber powered flying model, but cannot do a scale model.
I guess I don't have the patients, and always use too much glue.
However, as I have continually bitched about, the balsa kits do not do
justice to details, and I think details are important. The FW-190 I am
almost finished came with a two bladed prop. I had to cut two props
and make a three bladed one.
Some of the scale models I have seen on this forum are truly beautiful !