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Mar 3, 2007
Brisbane, Australia
Hi all,

Just saying hello. I'm Jared and I'm interested in aviation in general. I also like reading, watching movies and playing sport. I'm from Brisbane, Australia. I've noticed a couple of other Aussies around here too

Looking foward to meeting everyone,

G'day Jared. Glad to see another Queenslander in the Forum. Course us Aussies are taking over Adler. Like the SAS do it by stealth mate haha
Someday Im gonna count just how many Aussie have migrated here, and call up Her Majesty in London and thank her bloodline for kicking u Vickies off continent...

God, if the Aussies take over here, I dont know if I can type with a Down Under accent.... Maybe if I remove 8 of my teeth, pour crazy glue on my tounge and tape 3 of my fingers together I could get it...

God, if the Aussies take over here, I dont know if I can type with a Down Under accent.... Maybe if I remove 8 of my teeth, pour crazy glue on my tounge and tape 3 of my fingers together I could get it.

You might not get the accent Les, but boy would it improve your looks!
And besides, you yanks are only jealous of our accent because of our ability to pull the chicks with it... especially those from your part of the world.
Hehe, too bad an American accent gets more pus*y in Melbourne than an Aussie one...

Pfft Victorian's, you can have 'em. Funny thing is when I was on a US base in Bahrain I was getting more attention from the, dare I say it, the guys... creepy, The up side to it was I didn't have to buy a single drink all night another plus for the Aussie accent!

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