I found your site via a search for Mozzies in 1/32, a favourite a/c and one I hope to start soon.
I've been here on the Gold Coast three yrs now, but planning to head home to New Zealand by August.
My temporary sojourn had meant serious withdrawal symptoms from modelling, so I'll be returning to my desk with great relief.
Now that I've found a Mozzie build I'm a happy camper! Someone else with a masochistic streak is always comforting.
Looking forward to your insights and knowledge.
I've been here on the Gold Coast three yrs now, but planning to head home to New Zealand by August.
My temporary sojourn had meant serious withdrawal symptoms from modelling, so I'll be returning to my desk with great relief.
Now that I've found a Mozzie build I'm a happy camper! Someone else with a masochistic streak is always comforting.
Looking forward to your insights and knowledge.