Awesome. I'm making a P51-D Mustang. half done and already frustrated to all hell. Aggravating as it is, it's rather relaxing. That is when I don't spill the glue, lose apiece, get a new one, get another, lose that, find a new one, find out it's the one you lost, swear in about ten different languages. and start again.
Holy sh*t! I'm gone what three days and all hell breaks loose? I'm sorry guys, but tone down. I've had a F***ing hard arse day. I was hoping of enjoying my visit here but damn it's sucking so far. Oh yeah welcome aboard.
It has, you can tell who was having a bad day and who was not. I felt like **** most of the day today and I think it reflects my posts. Must be the damn heat.
Yes, but with one interview in three weeks and bleak prospects at the moment, it's not all that positive right now. I have to grow the photo business as a couple hundred buck here and there doesn't pay the mortgage and feed the kids. It is going to take longer than a couple of months to develop the business.