History according to random people... (3 Viewers)

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I know I'm replying to an old post.

It cracks me up how many people argue against science on an internet that requires satellite relays for transmission, digital processing to convert keystrokes to and from binary, and quantum mechanics for their monitor to display the results.

As for the Moon landings, we were hot in the Cold War. If we Americans had tried to fake it, the Soviets would have called us out then and there ... but they didn't.

I think the real problem with us Americans is that so many of us take this stuff for granted that we don't stop to think about the work it took to get us here. Pearls before swine, indeed. Kids are so busy on their phones that they don't stop to ask how those phones came about at all.
But then, they were probably "taught" by the 'Monkey see, monkey do' system, the same way they were taught (but failed the practical) how to wipe their own Rs !!!

They miscount the Rs here in America, there's not three, but four: Readin', 'Ritin', 'Rithmetic ... and Rote.

Rote learning, teaching facts, without teaching integration, is great for producing drones, but not so hot for producing thinkers. But we don't want thinkers. We want workers.
I avoid FB like the plague that it is. I know how to get in touch with them I want to keep touch with, and they know the same.

FB is almost like the file for people I don't want to stay in touch with. Avoiding that site is a great twitfilter.

I did same as you, Not only FB, but also Instagram, Telegram, and almost any other site / app! I even sold previous Smartphone and bought a simple one!!!
Yeah, after all rubbish that was put on FB last year about the covid stuff, I found that it takes way too much time to silence everybody that post that sh!t. So now I hardly log in anymore. Still need to keep my account for the band's FB page though. For the rest I just use the Facebook messenger app occasionally.
I need to dust this thread off in order to pay homage to an incredibly misinformed person encountered on the interwebs.

Archaeology Magazine posts great articles on Facebook and *usually* has a well informed following with great replies to their posts (unlike Smithsonian Mag, who's posts attract idiots like moths to a porch light).

The artical AM posted, was about the Olive Groves of Zita, which drove a rich economy until the vast Olive orchards were cut down by the Romans to fuel iron smelters.

Ok, so there were some good responses to the article until "J Elle Cox" showed up and gave us gems like this:
"J Elle Cox
Bruce E Tutcher Rome never existed in the west. It's a fantasy made up by the 'Slava Ukraini' fascists to give themselves history that never existed. All ancient history of civilization comes from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Steppe. Europe was backwater uncivilized peeps, historically, and the fascist policies they're promoting mow will put them back in the same place, imo. If you've never read the honest Roman Catholic priest/father admitting that no one ever spoke Latin or wrote it to actually communicate with people, then it's a great topic yo inform yourself about. 'Rome' is Disneyland, imo."

To get a better idea of where she's coming from, she 100% serious and even believes California belongs to Russia, because they "discovered it in 1812".
Never mind that the Spaniards were already here in California for 200 years...

By the way, here's Archaeology Magazine's article (on their website), if anyone's interested:

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No need for me to read the article. I would probably pop a gasket. If there is another thing that I can't brook, it is pseudo intellectuals writing such drivel.
The article linked, is to Archaeology Magazine's site with the history of ancient Zita under Phoenician and Roman rule.

I didn't link to the idiot on fapbook.

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