History according to random people... (4 Viewers)

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The problem with all of the above is that any TRUE scientist active in any of the germain fields is forced to admit that all of the above is possible. I know that it is possible to toss a coin 1000 time and obtain 1000 heads. The random motion of air molecules means that it is possible for every molecule to move to the corner of the room leaving me in a total vacuum. The very nature of scientific truth is that it must be true in all places and all times. When I release a brick from my hand I don't KNOW that it will fall until I test it and if it does fall that does not mean it will fall the next time or in a different place (Andromeda Galaxy). A scientist cannot debate a creationist and win.
I don't KNOW that dinos actually existed any more than I KNOW that the sun will rise tomorrow. I believe they did and I believe it will.
P.S. I really believe in the brick falling which is why I duck!
lol Mike, fortunately, I'm not that stupid!

I know I'm not the brightest light on the Christmas Tree, but I certainly know better than to spook LEOs by sudden movement, pointing things or failing to follow simple commands! :lol:

But I still must have that camera...I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame...
They're not just on the internet Dave...


BALTIMORE (WJZ)—School scare. A Baltimore City school was placed on lockdown after a report with a person with a gun on campus. It's the second school lockdown in our area just this week.
KIPP Harmony Academy and KIPP Ujima Village Academy were placed on lockdown around 9 a.m. Thursday after students saw what they thought was a man with a gun.
SWAT teams rushed into KIPP Academy in Northwest Baltimore.
Panicked parents plead for answers.
"There was a stranger in the building. They don't know who it was," one mother said.
"Everything is not OK because the kids are still in there," another mother said.
After four hours on lockdown, students were evacuated to a nearby high school.
Investigators found a University of Maryland journalism student was carrying a camera tripod that was mistaken for a gun.
"He was there with permission and it was just a misidentification by the kids," said police commissioner Anthony Batts.
The lockdown at KIPP comes on the heels of another school scare.
That one was at Stevenson University. The Owings Mills campus was locked down for more than two hours Monday after someone reported a man with a gun.
Investigators say two students hunting ducks with a pellet gun caused that incident.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

EAST FARMINGDALE, Long Island (WABC) -- A Long Island college that went on alert over a report of a gun on campus says the weapon turned out to be a light saber.
Students and staff members at Farmingdale State College on Long Island were told to shelter in place Wednesday while police investigated a report that someone was assembling a rifle in a school parking lot.
Police said the call came in at about 9:40 a.m. The man was located just off campus and police said he did not have a weapon -- only the light saber.
College spokeswoman Kathryn Coley says the rifle was actually a "Star Wars" toy.
The man was not arrested or charged in the incident.
You guys know how I am regarding revisionism and we just had a local Congressman support a bill for Tule Lake internment camp based on skewed facts.

Here's the article:
WASHINGTON — Congressman Doug LaMalfa and a resident of Modoc County both told a House subcommittee Thursday that they support a bill to create a separate and distinct national historic site for a World War II internment camp for Japanese Americans.

The Richvale Republican noted that the 3,700-acre site, adjacent to the Tulelake Airport, is currently a unit of the Valor in the Pacific National Monument, created in 2008, which is otherwise made up of eight Pacific battlefields.

The Tule Lake internment camp was a maximum security facility "where American citizens were held in squalid housing, given inadequate food and medical care and forced to work in unsafe conditions," LaMalfa said

"The events at Tule Lake should be remembered not as valorous, but as a warning that all Americans must respect one another and that the Constitution applies to all citizens during peace and war," La Malfa said.

"Valor was certainly exhibited at Tule Lake, not by soldiers but by the Japanese Americans who maintained their dignity under appalling conditions," he added.

Nick S. Macy, owner of Macy's Flying Service, which operates from the Tulelake Airport, told the Natural Resources subcommittee that he was raised in an internment camp barracks removed and relocated from the original site. He said the residents of the area feel that 940 acres of the site around an existing jail "is sufficient to establish a lesson in history that the wrongs done are never repeated."

National Park Service Associate Director of Workforce and Inclusion Michael Reynolds testified that the site was the largest of 10 sites that interned first-generation Japanese Americans, known as Nikkei, and operated from May 1942 to March 1946. German and Italian prisoners of war were also housed there.

Reynolds said meetings held to discuss the site revealed strong public opinion that the internment site's association with Valor in the Pacific was both "inappropriate, and even offensive."

Now first off, this wasn't a site like Manzanar, where Japanese-American families were relocated, this was a maximum security internment center for Japanese citizens who were loyal to the Emperor and/or had been caught in acts of sabatoge. After the war, the bulk of them were deported to Japan.

Also, there were no Germans or Italians there.

The allegations of poor food, poor medical and poor housing is a flat out fabrication.

The allegations of forced labor is also false, as this was a maximum security facility...no one was allowed out to work.

Add to that, the occasional paperwork error that got a Japanese who was loyal to the U.S. accidently mixed in with the incorrigibles which ended up in that Japanese person being killed by the inmates.

And finally, the Japanese Americans were called Nissei, not Nikkei - dumbasses can't even get that right...

So this just flat-out pisses me off that everyone is so hell-bent on twisting history around.
I have come to find that the Vintage News posts seem to attract the most "interesting" conversations regarding WWII history!


In this case, they posted about a Bf109E that was discovered largely intact and ended up at the Planes of Fame museum in Chino, California. While the article was actually informative, it was the comments where all the action was! :lol:

Ken Goering always said. We could have won the battle of Britain if we had Spifires

Paul No. He didn't.

Ken Yes he did

Terry What's a spifire?

Colin Goering asked his pilots what they needed to win the Battle of Britain? Squadrons of Spitfires, they replied. Of course this was long before the yanks turned up

Brian Ya the yanks were accustomed to sitting on the sidelines and watching till the tide turned for their friends before joining.

David It wasn't our war or our business. I often wonder when or if we would have jumped in if Herr Hitler wouldn't have declared war on the U.S. first. I hate to hear any bad mouthing from the Brits because we bent over backwards to keep them fed and from being "annexed". They are our good mate's and have decent soldier's. I have worked with them and helped keep a few alive in my Combat Support Hospital in Kuwait City after the war.Out.

Robert Fact is they came dangerously close to winning the battle had Hitler not stupidly ordered the blitz instead of keep destroying the RAF and bombing port facilities.

Pete Robert totally true, we were so close to losing our ability to fight back that his change of tactics, though bad for civillians, actually helped the raf rebuild.

Stephen Let's all have a reality check. If the war in the East had not come about, and then won by the Soviets , the Brits would be eating Schnitzel . They also might still be in the Euros.........both in football and Financially

Mark Really Stephen , you been watching to much Hollywood stuff. Britain was the first to inflict a defeat on the nazi machine with help from, poles, free french, czech, belgian and commonwealth volunteers. They are the reason we're not eating schnitzel. Hitler had given up his invasion idea for the UK and at the time was in cahoots with stalin. Learn a bit of history before making daft comments. As for the football I couldn't care less, & I did vote out

Ken Don't believe the American bullsh*t. Canadians are the ones who won the battles in Sicily and Italy. Ortona, Montecasino and others. Canadians had to step aside and let the Yanks take the credit. My father was there. Commonwealth forces also liberated Holland and Belgium. What exactly did the Americans do? Battle of the Bulge? Almost got their asses kicked. Don't believe Hollywood.

Matthew First off, the Polish won the battle of Monte Casino. Second, us Americans were supplying all of the other allied countries with war materials until we entered the war.

Daniel Colin British fighters could run rings around America fighters. Russians were better than both.

Ken So you are saying the Stormavic was better than the Spitfire or Mustang? C'mon now. Most russian planes were given to them by the Brits and Americans anyway. The only way the Russians beat the Germans was unlimited numbers of tanks and planes. German equipment and men were not prepared for the Russian winter. If Hitler hadn't spread himself so thin all of Europe and England would be speaking German now. That's a fact.

Clive Spitfire will be the name people remember not the mustang

Vincent The name and comparison is irrelevant. We were on the same side fighting a common enemy.

Dave Vincent yes it is relevant! Mustang was much better.

Terry Clive has a point, the Mustang was a great bomber escort (especially when using the Merlin from a Spitfire)....
But that was about it. Whereas I know that protecting bombers was a incredibly important task, planes like the Spitfire were the ones on the, for lack of better words, ariel front line,

Pete Up till the introduction of the merlin engine, the mustang was mediocre at best and that is fact from any source you choose. One she git the merlin, then yes, absolutely fantastic, but the Spitfire,for poise, beauty and just plain fantastic ability holds the hearts of way too many people. Especially me.

Clive The Mustang was a great machine it had the range to escort the bombers but for me it's the Spitfire

Dean Any the Jug was the first true 'Berlin' escort fighter.

Tai Both beautiful aircraft and Alot of good men died in them.

Allen Well it is 70 years later and people still remember both.

Phil The spitfire and hurricane held the skies until the arrival of the mustang,without the spitfire and hurricane Britain would have been brought to its knees,the arrival of the P47's and P51's signalled the death of the Luftwaffe and the third reich ,but an aircraft is nothing without the man behind the controls, lest we forget

Steven The first jet shot down in aerial combat was a 262, by US P51 Mustang, piloted by an African American.

Colin When they finally showed up

Jay dont let facts get in the way of Hollywood:Credit for the first Me 262 be brought down in combat belong to Maj Joseph Myers and 2Lt Manford Crory of the P-47D-equipped 78th Fighter Group, who manoeuvred a 1./KG 51 machine into the ground west of Brussels on August 28, 1944. This occurred with a shot being fired by both sides. A similar thing occurred on October 2, 1944 when P-47D pilot 1Lt Valmore Beaudrault of the 356th Fighter Group ran an Me 262 out of fuel in a low-level pursuit into the ground near Dusseldorf. Astonishingly, the pilot of the jet on both occasions was Oberfeldwebel Hieronymous Lauer who survived both encounters.

The credit for the first Me 262 to be shot down by gunfire, however, belongs to five pilots from 401 Squadron RCAF. On October 5th, while on a high patrol near the Arnhem-Nijmegen area twelve Spitfire Mk IXs began their patrol at 1353 hrs. What happened next is briefly described in No 126 Wing's Summary of Operations for that day:

Pete Yeah, Hollywood, if that guy had been really hit by fire from a 262 he'd have been in pieces as the 262 carried 4 cannon (erm explosive, anyone?)

Mark Hollywood got alot to answer fo
I dunno guys. After reading the erroneous crap being put forth by unwashed, uneducated di*kheads, I'm almost ready to ask who gives a flying f*#k any more? Even the "educated elite" have sh!t for brains when Nisei become Nikkei. As a teenager, I new some Nisei farmers here in the valley who had been sent to internment camps. One such staging area for them was our local county fairgrounds. Though they never discussed it much, I found them to be dignified and gentle caring people.

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