Home of the Medically Fragile!!

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My one major medical condition is I have suffered for 20 years with Cluster Headaches. These are NOT migraines but the exact opposite. They center over one eye and the pain is god-awful! I become totally incompacitated. They are the least known type of headache yet considered the most painful. Suicides have been reported because of these. They come about 4-6 times a day for about a month or two andthen disappear for a year or more. The last attack was in January and before that was September 07. I used oxygen (have an 'H' tank and a portable) and great amounts of percocet. :)

I'm gonna regret this.

The only other condition I have is a phobia. A true phobia. I have seizures when this happens and have had ambulances called. And you must take into account what I do for a living. I have dealt with buffalo, 210 lb vicious mastifs, 15 ft snakes, rabid animals that are attacking you, anything that crawls or moves.

Now keeping that in mind, my phobia is......

I have a fear of caterpillars! I'll wait until the laughing stops. hmmmmmm...... Something from my childhood about the wriggly things sets me off. I shut down if I see one, even on TV. Its actually funny, all the slobbering and shakes. I should start charging 25 cents for the shows I give. :) I have thought about going on the "Maury Show' to maybe cure it.

Now back to our regularily scheduled thread......
"The only other condition I have is a phobia. A true phobia. I have seizures when this happens and have had ambulances called. And you must take into account what I do for a living. I have dealt with buffalo, 210 lb vicious mastifs, 15 ft snakes, rabid animals that are attacking you, anything that crawls or moves.

Now keeping that in mind, my phobia is......

I have a fear of caterpillars! I'll wait until the laughing stops. hmmmmmm...... Something from my childhood about the wriggly things sets me off. I shut down if I see one, even on TV. Its actually funny, all the slobbering and shakes. I should start charging 25 cents for the shows I give. I have thought about going on the "Maury Show' to maybe cure it.

Now back to our regularily scheduled thread...... "

I'm sorry, but this is hilarious.:lol:
That's really weird, caterpillars go figure.
Well, I knew all the talk about Achilles problems was going to come back and haunt me. Blew it out again last night, didn't even feel it go, just woke up with a throbbing sensation in my leg. Walk, and even sitting today is painful.
Not the biggest issue in the world but it is getting tiresome after dealing with it for over a year and thinking I was getting past the major pain issue I had several month ago.
Looks like I'll have to borrow the neighbors chainsaw later tonight!
Ok, here's a more fully developed listing of my issues (sans the jaw-surgery stuff), with simplified definitions included. Also, on that note, I was not expecting the amount of replies this thread has gotten so far, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one on this site with medical issues.

1. Scoliosis: The spine should look straight when viewed either by X-ray imaging, where most people's spines are shown to only curve from front to back (as when viewed from the side). However, scoliosis is a curvature of the spine to either or both sides laterally. I have a slight case of scoliosis, although I am watched carefully because of the possibility of a medicine or other condition I have interacting negatively with my scoliosis.

2. Arnold Chiari Malformation: A rare genetic disorder in which some parts of the brain form abnormally. (Fratt 2005) Part of the cerebellum (in my case) squeezed down through a part of the skull that had not formed correctly. This in turn, inhibited the flow of cranial and spinal fluids both to and from the brain. In my case, this caused the brain either to be pushed upon by fluid that could not readily escape. This lead to massive headaches that required me to take pain medicine, lay flat somewhere dark and quiet, and have a cold pack on my head. Thus, I am not stretching the truth when I say that migraines look like a walk in the park compared to Chiari headaches.

3. Pseudo Tumor Cerebri: This was the reason why I have a Lumbar Peritoneal shunt in the first place. The basic symptoms are similar to Arnold Chiari Malformation, in that there is an increase in pressure in the skull.

4. Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome: The basic gist of this problem is that my kidneys have extreme difficulty distinguishing protein from things that actually need to be filtered out of the body. Therefore I have a amount of protein in my blood whenever I have a relapse because the protein has been disposed of through my urine due to the malfunctioning part of my kidneys. This is usually a disease associated with younger children, because most cases are resolved during the onset of puberty but mine has yet to clear up.

5. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: I personally have the inattentive form of this disorder. This means that I have trouble with organization, distractibility, and in my case extreme short term memory problems. Other problems that I have are losing homework, and trouble with finishing assignments both during school hours and at home.

6. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: My personal obsessive item is that I have to be early or on time to everything, otherwise I think I shouldn't show up.

7. Depression: I have had some rough times with depression, although thankfully there was always someone who caught the warning signs (because I was usually too far gone to notice them myself). Depression means that when I get really depressed, and not just a passing sorrowful moment, I "go into hibernation" so to speak. In this case, I lie in bed, thinking of all my mistakes, with the lights out, and sleep excessively. Also, I loose interest in most things, preferring to just stew in my thoughts. Thankfully, I have only had one instance where I displayed suicidal tendencies, and even then I knew that if I did something like that (suicide), I couldn't bear the hurt I would inflict upon those who cared for me.

8. Intermittent Urinary Tract Bleeding: This basically happens when I stress myself too much, push my body too far without proper hydration, or at the onset or during an illness. This problem came as a result of the steroids I took for Pseudo Tumor Cerebri, which effectively scarred the inner portion of my bladder. This is more of a nuisance than a real issue at the moment, because the method of getting my bladder scar free would give me 2 months of use, before I would have to resort to machines to urinate.

9. Petit Mal Seizures: This is when the firing pattern of the brains electrical signals increase to an unusual amount. My "normal" seizures were called "absence" seizures, because effectively it was like I was fine, but my mind was on vacation. Externally, there was little that would alert someone of one of these occurring, aside from a blank stare, lack of movement, and lack of response to questions or speaking. This seems noticeable, but in my early academic career I was very shy, and very quiet so it was looked over for some time, especially because the "absence" seizures last 30 seconds or less. Then I had what is known as a Grand Mal Seizure, which is the form almost everyone knows of. This being the person suddenly tipping forward and convulsing. I came home one day from 3rd grade, walked in the door and said "Mom, everything is purple…." and then collapsed. I had experienced an "aura" which is the warning of the impending Grand Mal Seizure. Thankfully, I have not had a Grand Mal Seizure since that incident.

10. Acne: I have come a long way since high school in terms of controlling my acne, but I still have it. Acne is where pores on the skin become clogged with dirt, dead skin cells, and finally bacteria. This clogged area then forms a pimple, as the body tries to isolate the area, and expel the foreign material.
Mac, I know what you mean about the headaches. Although different than what I suffer, migraines are nothing compared to ours.

#6 sounds exactly like me. And I get real antsy if I'm going somewhere with someone and they are running late. I climb the walls!
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I have a bad knee grey hair, poor me! :lol:

And then ofcourse I've broken various limbs during my life, but nothing I haven't recovered 100% from.

As for phobias, I might have a small one for tigs, yep tigs. Worst freaking insect on earth! God I despise that creature! (Nect comes mosquitos, but I don't really fear those, I just know how dangerous they can be to your health)

But this is nothing compared to what some of you guys have; Christ, some of you are entitled to a lot of financial help if you ask me!
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A cure or preventive against many diseases = Exercise!

I run 7.7 kilometers nearly every morning (Didn't stop since I left the military) and workout at the gym 3 to 4 times a week. And it helps!

If I didn't work out I'd have even worse problems with my knee, that's for sure.
Well, exercise is what brought in the most recent bout of Achilles problems unfortunately. Have not be vigilent on my calf and ankle stretches and strengthening exercises though and I'm paying for it now. Waiting for the swelling and a little of the pain goes to go away before I resume these exercises as i'm afraid they will do more damage than good right now. Taking it slow and easy.
No one is allowed to bring up ankle injuries again as I just knew talking about it the other day was coming to bite me in the A$$, er, I mean Ankle.
I do try to put on 4-8 miles of heavy duty cross country hiking at least 5-6 days a week, but that is impossible with a bad wheel. Going to dig the bike out so I can at least get some exercise while this thing heals up. Hit the weight room again to and get my "Guns" whipped into shape too;)
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My knees have been crapped out since running my one marathon (under 4 hours!)...combined with weight gain (from not running) and walking all day long on hard tile floors, and my knees are shot. Once we get some bills paid off, I'm gonna have to have my bike overhauled. Its got more cobwebs than metal right now!
Nothing particularly spectacular compared to some you guys. I have yet to have to go to the hospital for injuries I have had (not bad going really). I have broken my arm once, mum (who is a doctor) didn't think it was broken, so nothing was done about it and I continued as if nothing had happened. Couple of weeks later I couldn't straighten it completely and another look at it (by my orthopaedic surgeon uncle) and it was thought I had in fact broken it.

Only other thing which I have had is malaria (which apparently almost killed me - they thought I might die if they evacuated me by road to the hospital) back in 2005 when I was on my GAP year in Tanzania.

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