Horrible CGI scenes!

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Lots of mistakes with the CGI aircraft (visually and/or quantity/type), but the biggest, are no F4Fs.

I am sure that Terry was devastated about that, too.
I'm guessing you're referring to the quantity of B-26 squadrons present in the trailer. I thought there were a lot of them.
I'm guessing you're referring to the quantity of B-26 squadrons present in the trailer. I thought there were a lot of them.
Yeah...the four that actually attacked the Japanese fleet were painted differently, too.
Also missing was Suzie-Q's flight down the Akagi's deck and the one B-26's "kamikaze" attack, narrowly missing the Akagi's bridge as it plunged into the ocean.
In the scenes shown prior to the battle of Midway, the "meatball" was missing from the US insignias - those were removed in May '42, after the battle of Coral Sea.
The Doolittle raid saw the B-25s packed on the Hornet's deck, not qued, as the movie showed, plus the B-25s in the Doolittle said didn't have the upper turrets seen in the movie, those were B-25Js they rendered.
Many more gaffs, too many to list here, but they could have done much better...
It's amazing how much better the actual stories are than the crap they come up with.
It's amazing how much better the actual stories are than the crap they come up with.
I totally agree - the entire battle of Midway from start to finish had amazing acts of heroism and more. There is absolutely zero reasons to embellish anything.

And this holds true to any movie regarding any battle, to be honest.
When I read the Flyboys' director comment, I about choked.
You know he was full of chit - it was cheaper and easier to render all the DR.Is the same than provide the colorful and unique coloring that they were actually painted.
I also noticed that the other Imperial types were noticeably lacking the "lozenge" camo, too.
But for CGI rendering a "skin" over a digital airframe, the lozenge could have easily been templated and replicated (like they did with the DR.I) - lazy bastards, the lot of 'em.

That's laughably bad. They were running down to a couple of megabytes on budget?
Renowned scale modeler Dave Platt made the Stuka models for the movie.

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