How safe is your city?

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And nothings happened in three months. Big deal. Its still a very rare event considering the miles of freeway, geographic size and numbers of people.
Those are the reported ones - ones where there was an injury - I bet you put a police scanner on there's a freeway shooting a night even down in Orange country, it the ones where there is injury or death that gets reported....

Your local cities are doing a token job in cleaning graffiti, but its not even coming close in tackling the problem - you know and I know a city like Irvine will cover up some graffiti and 2 weeks later it will be there again...

Go the the storefront windows of business, even in your better neighborhoods, every one of them has a BB or small caliber round through them - whys that?

So Cal has a whole is probably one of the WORSE places to live right now in this country - you can't deny the crime, traffic, flakey politicians and taxes are killing the place and after a while you gotta ask yourself "Am I here just because of the weather?" I would of left years earlier had I not had the job opportunities I found elsewhere.
So am I... I read this entire thread and his attitude is becoming unacceptable... Statistics will never be 100% accurate, and to base any opinion on them is just plain idiotic...

I never claimed them to be 100% accurate, just quite enough to be perfectly valid.

I took several classes on criminal justice, as well as having several close friends who are in the upper hierarchy of law enforcement, and even they balk at some of the crime stats that come out....

And what parts did they balk at? As was pointed out by my instructor, some officers dont like to see the results because they mistakenly believe its a reflection on them. Plus municipalities dont like to advertise the the bad things, so the DOJ/FBI use multiple surveys and sources to derieve their data. Remember this is a crime index, that weighs the value of different types of crimes. Serious crimes get more weight and lesser crimes, less weight. It is also a snapshot in time, and the rankings are dynamic. The correct way to look at this chart is to see where your city generally stands. I am not in the least upset my city has been ranked a few points lower than one just down the freeway. I am glad though that the two sh**ithole cities near me are ranked in the middle and not at the bottom.

Many cities were left off because of their size. And if its as safe as you say, great. We can put you in the safe cities catagory. I wont argue with you about whether your city is safer than mine because it doesnt matter. Its safe! If you want to argue whether NO is worse than Houston, go ahead. At a certein point of the crime index, it doesnt matter who is worse.

Stats are just that, stats, which are used to make intelligent, informative guesses.... Nothing more... They are not the Holy Grail of information....

Many people here reject the evidence because it doesnt fit their opinions. They argue from opinions that cant be quantified. If anyone has contrarary evidence, show it.

Those surveys take into account the frequency of unreported crime. At the most severe level, its hard to not report the crime (unless youre a criminal getting done in by another crimal). At the least violent level, property crimes, it is underreported. But if you look at the raw data, suppose 10% of property crimes like stolen car radio's are unreported, that doesnt move the crime index around that much.

U think that every single drive by shooting in LA is reported to the police??? Wake the fu*k up for christs sake and smell the java...

Nearly every single shooting in LA gets reported by someone. And if theres a fatality or injury, eventually law enforcement hears about it. And as the raw data shows, there are so many similar type of crimes being commited in the same type of cities that they tend to normalize each other out. Now in the safer cities, nearly all violent crime does get reported. And for unreported property crime, its getting harder to not avoid reporting it as insurance agencies want a police report.

End result is the safe cities tend to have quite accurate crime index's while the least safe cities are such s***holes, it really doesnt matter if the stats for them are less accurate.
Here's the list of cities in OC. Its surprising to see how realtively safe we are.

3. Mission Viejo, Calif.
7. Irvine, Calif.
15. Lake Forest, Calif.
29. Huntington Beach, Calif.
30. Orange, Calif.
44. Newport Beach, Calif.
80. Fullerton, Calif.
95. Costa Mesa, Calif.
109. Westminster, Calif.
121. Garden Grove, Calif.
135. Anaheim, Calif.
170. Santa Ana, Calif.

The several cities that are not listed and are in this county, are generally afluent (safe) or generally quiet and would place somewhere above the middle rankings.

Only s***thole missing is Stanton. But its a small city and doesnt effect much. I would still put it below the middle.

I bet the results are showing for the three strikes law. A small number of criminals commit most of the crime, so when you get them off the streets, things are a lot better for everyone.
Thats not sayin much... If it surprises u, then ur own insight differs from the "Official" finding....

Considering that OC is part of the LA metro region, its great we dont have any bottom dwelling cities in our county. And also considering that OC is an urban region with 3 million people, its amazing we dont have as much crime as could be expected.

The full impact of the three stikes law is beginning to be felt, so I would say that over the next few years, the crime stats for all of California will begin to creep downward.
The full impact of the three stikes law is beginning to be felt, so I would say that over the next few years, the crime stats for all of California will begin to creep downward.

Well I sure hope so. I fully support Three Strikes Your Out. I sure hope you are right Syscom. Oh sorry. I'm contirbuting. Those were meant to be inside words.
Considering that OC is part of the LA metro region, its great we dont have any bottom dwelling cities in our county. And also considering that OC is an urban region with 3 million people, its amazing we dont have as much crime as could be expected.
Because its so expensive to live there, that's one of the reasons why the rif-raf has been controlled in OC
The full impact of the three stikes law is beginning to be felt, so I would say that over the next few years, the crime stats for all of California will begin to creep downward.
providing some liberal judge doesn't try to overturn it...
Man this thread grew to be quite the entertainer. Wrapped up my PCS to NAS Corpus and awaiting the household goods - this definitely brought the laughs a-rolling! But I got to thinking - I don't have a degree in aviation, and I only have my experience - does that mean I'm not an aviator I guess the gig's up for me!

Do you have evidence that the stats are incorrect? Are you privy to the crime reports?

I bet you didnt even know the raw data was posted by the FBI.

Laugh all you want. All you have is an opinion or two, and nothing more. Hope your aviation career is more successfull.
syscom - there's a reason that everyone here that's been out and about and has experience beyond books and one professor's opinion is trying to teach you something. All you come back with are insulting and snide remarks, and telling these individuals that you will be managing them. That type of attitude is not going to serve you well.
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