Howdy from Oklahoma

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Airman 1st Class
Aug 28, 2010
Getting back into the hobby Have already put together a few models to wet my whistle.

But I do have a question about supperdetail kits. Can a kit ment for one brand be used on onther?. I have picked up tamiya 1/48 109 model and was wondering can the verlinden super detail set be used on it?. I could not aford the hasagawa version but would still like to try my hand at detailing.

Welcome aboard!

I would think that the Verlinden parts could be used on any of the more accurate kits and that you shouldn't have a problem on the Tamiya 109. To be sure, you could check the product literature as it usualy states what kits the products can be used on. If your set says it's only for Hasegawa, I would think that you could still make it work for Tamiya with some minor filing/sanding.

Looking forward to seeing your stuff.

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