Hurricane Katrina and Me...

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We are about to get hit by a big storm front. It just passed through Spain and France causing Tornados there. I think it will calm down quite a bit before it hits us and even if it does not, it will not even compare to Katrina.
Great news!

About damn time! Jesus, my 4 year old could have done a better job than Mike Brown.
Sorry Ive been out of the loop for a while in Crete Les, but I'm glad you're OK Ive just got off the red eye so I'm a bit knackered to read all 2000 odd postings since I've been away, sounds like you have had a shit time and I'm sorry to hear of your mates not getting through it . the bits I caught on the box in Crete sounded like this twat Brown couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery,
Shit with the resources available to the US government I would have thought they could have swamped the area with relief aid and troops before the wind had settled. There was lots of talk of the levees not having funds pumped into them and being inadequate (how true this is I'm forked if I know) but I dare say it will be analyzed with a fine tooth comb by the media. I think old Bush has really shot himself in the foot his ratings must have gone through the floor.
Still as I say Les sorry its a bit belated by my thoughts are with you and your family.
First, its not the President's fault. Second, the people responsible for what is going on in New Orleans is the Mayor and the Governor. Third, there was something about the D-Day museum on the news and i didnt get to watch it so if anybody knows what they were talking about with the D-Day museum, PLEASE TALK!
9/11 was a host of intelligence failures that stretched through 2 presidencies. There is no way that the attack was planned only during Bush's watch.

Hurricance Katrina was a natural event. Although I am waiting for some crazy lefty to claim it was Bush's fault.

Maybe an earthquake? Maybe I'll grow tits tomorrow too. They have been saying the "big one" is coming for a LONG time. Will it ever happen remains to be seen. We have earthquakes out here, I have lived through a couple of pretty damn big ones, but again a natural disaster and nothing to do with politics. There is a pretty good chance it won't happen before Bush is done with his presidency, so maybe doesn't count.

More terror attacks? Again, speculation. It could happen, but it may not. There are all kinds of pseudo-sages out there predicting all kinds of things. Stay prepared and stay alive. I am not going to spend my life worrying about what if. I am prepared for any emegency and I don't worry about them until they hit. If I worried about what might happen, I would be dead by now.

Teh Mayor and the governor of New Orleans are certainly negligent in their duties, but the federal government fuck-ed this up just as bad. Just ask Les how well FEMA has been operating. Who appointed the head of FEMA? GWB. I voted for Bush, because there was no alternative. but watching our border stay completely wide ass open and now this makes me wonder real hard about what the hell we are going to get stuck with in 2008.

Hey NS, you got room for some ex-patriots?
I just wondered if blaming the local govenmenrt is a bit of a cop out 38 because as it was such a major incident wouldnt the president if he had any bottle have the clout to take charge and push resources that for the local bods would not be at there disposal it is after all a national disaster its even effecting the rest of the oil using world so its far from NO's problem alone. It seems like he's distancing himself ready for the finger pointing onslaught thats already started.
First of all, thanks Track for ur concern and thoughts... They are very well recieved....

There was a mandatory evacuation of ALL areas of New Orleans, and any areas south of Highway 90 in Mississippi.... Many MANY people who lived in Nawlins thought that the storm would miss them, like many MANY times in the past, which it did... The leavee broke and all hell broke loose....

The FEMA (Federal) (Bushs') response to this horror and flooding was TOTALLY unacceptable... There were National Guardsman there before FEMA... There were local police and firefighters there....

So tell me -38, how the fuck do u come up with the conclusion that it wasnt Bushs' fault, and put the balme on the local leadership????

Heres an idea -38.... Why dont u shut the fuck up about shit u have no idea or right to talk about before u REALLY start pissing off the wrong people, namely ME.... U have almost no knowledge of current events, let alone world news.... Sh*t, u dont even know how the Federal Govt works for christsakes.....

Go join a thread about planes or something and let the smart intelligent members discuss Bushs' lack of preparedness with HIS department directors...
Yes, and the president does indeed have authority to override the local and state levels. He may not have to let them handle it, and only stepped in when he realized how inept they were. Typically, the local and state authorities do a fairly good job and then call for assistance from the feds. That happened here in 1994 when the Northridge earthquake struck.

The difference here though is that N.O. had 5 days warning that it was coming. Someone should have been monitoring the preparations and raised the flag when they saw that basically nothing was being done, except by people on their own. Over 500 ( FIVE HUNDRED) school buses were under water in New orleans! Those could have been used to evacuate those who had no means to get out beforehand. If they had been put into safer locations, they could have been used to get people out after the storm.

I also read yesterday that the Red Cross was trying to bring in water, cots, food supplies and clothing to the area before the storm and the Lousiana state homeland security turned them away! Guess where they were taking those supplies...the Superdome!

It was a cock up on all levels. Thank goodness for Les that the state authorities in Mississippi took over from FEMA the supply operations. FEMA this time around was a bureaucratic roadblock that stalled things and caused people to die.

If they don't fire Mike Brown, and send some people to jail for manslaughter through gross negligence, then it will happen again. Bad behavior should not be rewarded.

Sorry, I will step down from my soapbox now.
I think you guys have every right to get mighty pissed off at the way things where handled I only saw it via news casts but the bloody third world country's like Bangladesh seem to be better organized than the mob you have attempting to run things at the moment as you say Eric with hundreds of vehicles available it should have been possible to move thousands to safer ground.
I heard Bush some officials had flown over the area shame he didn't leave his arse back home and filled the aircraft with some supplies looking out of a window and going dear dear is not much f**king help if he wanted to know what it was like there phone up Les I'm sure he could explain it very graphically
Actually P-38 Bush does have some blame in this. Yes Bush had no control over a storm however Bush and the rest of the federal government could have acted quicker in the relief of the disaster area. We were able to take the whole country of Iraq in 3 weeks and keep it supplied for over 2 years now. We were able to send help to Indonesia after the large Sunami in less than 24 hours. Yet it took our government 5 days to get a real plan together for New Orleans. Something is not right there and I think our government is to blame for it. Eneogh Said!

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