Hurricane tank busters.

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Airman 1st Class
May 8, 2008
bomber command hq.
Hi all,I think I'm right in saying the hurricane 11d was the model with the 40mm cannon.on the wiki it says first deliveries were in'1942',now that's not too specific?.
Does anyone know when the 2D entered service in north Africa,please be as specific as possible,cheers.
Cheers airframes,so no6 squadron were the first squadron to use them in June you know how many other sqns used the hurricane2d?,cheers.
Five squadrons operated the IId, 5,6, 20, 184 and 7 SAAF. No 184 operated in Europe.
Thankyou gents,do you know the desert air force o.o.b.for the period march 43?.Harry Broadhurst had one large wing of hurricane"can openers",as you've told me,but what else?.cheers

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