I Can Fix That...

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the line in on the left is stubbed out too short...not sure what's going on with the slack cable dangling (line in on the right of the box) that's sub-grade...

There can't be anything good about what we're looking at there (including the water)
Here is a sample of his last electrical hook-up
Go back to gaze upon some of the amazing electrical wonders I posted earlier in the this thread...

Mastery of modern technology seems to be just out of reach for some people it seems, but then again, people most likely died across the Roman Empire from comparable feats with contemporary technology, too...
the line in on the left is stubbed out too short...not sure what's going on with the slack cable dangling (line in on the right of the box) that's sub-grade...

There can't be anything good about what we're looking at there (including the water)

That slack cable is a 'drip loop'. to stop water tracking along the cable and into the box!

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