I Got a Job! Early Retirement.....Done!

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Senior Master Sergeant
Mar 18, 2007
Jersey Shore, USA
Thought I had it made. Retired from Verizon Communications 22 months ago at the tender age of 57; watched the wife go to work every day (why not, she's younger than me).

Well, I start Monday for an Audi, Porsche, Land Rover dealership delivering auto parts all over Monmouth and Ocean counties in NJ. It's good, mindless work and the pay ain't bad.

My wife said if Charles can work at the age of 74, I got no excuse not to work at 59 (Thanks Charles, it's all your fault ).

I do have one chance left to stay retired. They're doing a background check/drug screening on me. With any luck.....

Good for you. Work is good for the head. Keeps you out of trouble and brings a buck or two into the kitty.

Enjoy the new job. Sounds like a good one.
My wife said if Charles can work at the age of 74, I got no excuse not to work at 59 (Thanks Charles, it's all your fault ).


Oh, go ahead, Steve.... give your wife a big hug for me !!!

BTW, Edna Mae has a full time job as Office Manager for a
printer, plus she works part time (actually on-call) for another
printer. She'll be 73 in June.

Well put wayne! I'll put a ditto on that..!
Sounds like the sooner Charles and Edna Mae relax and go to Oz for a bit, the better it'll be for TO!
Oh, go ahead, Steve.... give your wife a big hug for me !!!

I did.

BTW, Edna Mae has a full time job as Office Manager for a
printer, plus she works part time (actually on-call) for another
printer. She'll be 73 in June.

That's my problem also. The wife works as an X-ray tech in three different places (orthopedist practice, GP practice and per diem at a hospital emergency room). But she's only 52.

Well, it's time to stop whining and enjoy my last weekday of doing nothing and get mentally ready for Monday.


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