Staff Sergeant
Better let Prophets and Gods stay at home, it might not be a good deal for us too ...
Let's take us Christians: do you think that 'our' Jesus would be pleased of us?
Without going into the 'war' topic, let's take some of His basic points like:
- all men can gain Paradise, salvation is for everybody who deserves it
- all men are equal
- my Religion has nothing to do with powers (literally 'my Kingdom is not of this World')
- no commerce with Religion (remember the Temple)
Then we have the different Christianism that (d)evolved in:
- theory of predestination
- impeachment with temporal power
- Churches who are essentially businesses to make money
- use of faith to bend kings and population to thier will
and so on....
I am not sure that He will be in good mood if He comes back, and even if it is for just one day I fear that a LOT of axxes will be kicked...
And he will possibley just as annoyed with me and kick my arse for being less than Christian as I should be. However and maybe you missed this bit. There will always be Wars there will always be famines and natural disasters. We are just men but there is only one Christ and I answer for my sins to him only and not you. My friend if you are going to judge others by your own standards then those judgements you used in here will be judged on yourself. Just bear that in mind before you reply and be well assured your arse doesn't get in line for being kicked by an very annoyed Jesus Christ