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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland
Hi guys, back from my little holiday, finished it off with a non stop 12 hour trip from Canberra to Adelaide, so it's safe to say I'm sick of driving for the time being. Anyway had a great old time and got to see some really great stuff. We first went to Melbourne then onto to snow (which was great!) and finally up to Canberra.
Took lots of pics which I will share some of. The first set of pics were taken at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, a must see for anyone visiting Australia, you could literally spend a whole day there and still not see everything!

-Looking towards the eternal flame and the walls of rememberance (up a level on each side - these contain the names of every Australian killed in all the wars this country has fought in)
-inside the tomb of the unknown soldier
-His grave
-One of the landing boats that was actually used in the Gallipoli landings in WWI complete with turkish bullet holes!
-Aussie and Kiwi soldier uniforms of WWI
-Lancaster G-George, this a/c served with 460 sqn RAAF and flew 90 mission over Europe before flying to Australia for a war loan tour
-G-George mission tally, fantastic to see an actually combat vet up close.
-Bomaimer's position
-Bomb bay
-German 88mm flak gun


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-Bf-109, looks like its in a shabby condition only because it is still wearing the same paint it had on when it last flew with the Luftwaffe!
-underside view
-Me 262 I believe also in original paint
- 262 again, not very good photo because they are basically crammed in the corner and hard to photograph
-Komet, maybe you guys could shed some light on which units these German a/c flew with, I'm probably the least knowledgeable on the Luftwaffe in this forum!


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The only operational unit for the 163 was JG 400 unless I'm mistaken. The others hard to say. Very late-war jadgeschwaders gave up most identifiers except for unit bands. The 262 might be Jv 44 or maybe not, as I think they have the green camo depicted. Again I could be wrong.

Looking again at the pics I think the 109 could be fromthe Med based on the white markings? Is that stand the only thing holding it? Any wires from above? Can't see any. Man, thats scary!

Great pics though!
Cheers for the info, and yep, that pole is all that's holding her up, I'm sure its quite safe as I can't see the museum risking it or the Lanc wing that it would take out with it!!
More pics staying with the Luftwaffe theme.
- two shots of the V-1
-Bf-110 rudder that belonded to, I believe Heinz -Wolfgang Schnaufer. Hopefully Erich can confirm or deny this (my memory is shocking!). Apparently 38 Australians were known to be victims of this night fighter ace.


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Great stuff Wildcat!

I gotta say Im not to happy with the positioning of the 262 in the memorial, hidden away too much. The 109 light show is a little tacky in my opinion too but hey if it gets the public interested thats the main thing.

Great shots mate
Thanks guys. Some more pics from the AWM.
- two pics of a RAAF P-40
- Remains of an "Oscar"
- two shots of the Zero
- 4 shots of a Royal Australian Navy sea Fury in Korean War markings
- Wirraway nose art (weird!) Yes this is the actual a/c that downed a Zero over New Guinea.
- two more shots of the Wirraway including it's "insides"
- two shots of a RAAF Mosquito, photo's aren't great because it was very difficult to photograph it because of were it was positioned.
- Australian Mustang, again in a crappy position


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great shots Wildcat.

the Bf 109G is from the ETO in two tone greys/spots, the underwing looks as a replacement as well as the almost white under engine carrier though late 1945 RLM 76 blue was now an almost white on late war 109's. yes the Komet is from JG 400, the 262 Schwalbe who knows ? the red nose cone may represent it's service in a kampfgeschwader unit like KG 51 or 54.

you are quite correct NJG 1 and NJG 4 leader Wolf Schnaufers tail fin, a bit discoloured over the many eyars but still in great physical shape ........

excellent !

E ~
Thanx for sharing those pix.....
Some museums are crap when it comes to positioning,but they have to make the best of the space they've got I suppose.
-Lancaster G-George, this a/c served with 460 sqn RAAF and flew 90 mission over Europe before flying to Australia for a war loan tour

460 Sq RAAF were based at Breighton,Binbrook and East Kirkby all just a few miles from where I live !
460 SQ flew the highest number of Lancaster sorties in Bomber Command and suffered the highest loss rate of any unit in No 1 group....
According to my book,the Lanc is W4783 AR-G a mark1

Many thanks for the info Erich. I thought you would get a kick out of that tail fin, I thought it was quite impressive!

Yep, sadly true. The squadron lost 181 a/c on ops for a total of 1018 men KIA

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