Images by GreyWolf

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GreyWolf ,congrats mate.These pics are really great.
But in the pic with the shot down Spitfire over sea the undersides ruondels are incorrect,rather.I think it should be "A" type without yellow outline.This outline was used for roundels painted on black painted surfaces.The roundels in the pic look like the "C1" variant and were used for marking from May 1942 mostly on fuselage sides.Simply these ones are not of the proper type.But I can be wrong.
I Try to get it right but that what I have you all for to give me the tips I need to make those historical corrections, so dont be bashful.and as far sa getting a print my best advice would be to download the image and print it ,they are free to have but if the one you are interested is to small I will look for the org. its almost always in a large file some where. I can email you the file, I believe I have a email contact in my profile. Thanks all I really like hearing from all of you and would love to share more, I do have so many images from years of doing this.

Salute Wolf


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Wunger you got me thinkin and I can be wrong more times then I like to say, well in public but I started lookin around in my large book collection and found 2 images. yes this are 1 a model in a publication and a profile in a book I scanned. Its true that most Spits did not have the yellow outer ring and the Hurricanes did more but there are a few images that show this on a few Spits.
Is my image historic? well hell I dont know this for sure. I like to think I did my home work but Im human and if you have any info on this then I am thanking you and welcome the imput. here are 2 images to look at and Ill let you ponder the possiblity of a change in the roundel at or during the battle of Britain


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Wilbur1 I missed the stang pick you are talkin about. let me know where I posted it and Ill galdly send it to you, I look at my posting but I must have lost my way. anyway no prob love to share.
Salute Wolf
Hallo GW,

First of all I would like ask you if you have the B&W pics of Spits with this type of roundels paited on S-type S or Duck egg blue coloured undersurfaces of wings?It would be very interesting for me.I would appreciate if you could upload them there.
The upladed profiles and the pic of the model show the correct markings on the lower surfaces.But if you look deeply at them you can find that the left unrdersides of the wings were black painted.The camo pattern of Spits was similar to the early underwing camo called Day-Night.Because the left undersides were black the roundels there had yellow outline(ring).Roundels on right halves of wing didn't have these.With the camo pattern there was used "A" variant of roundels but not like in your pic "C1" type.Do you know the differences between these roundels? For sure yes.Besides the "C1" roundel was used on fuselage but not on wings( it was used later).For these was used "C" type roundel.What is more the "C/C1" roundel were introduced in May 1942and replaced the "A/A1" ones so BOB was finished.There some colour profiles from SAM publications/ Modellers Datafile serie no.3
I think that it is a small mistake and of course it doesn't mean that the pic and models aren't great.


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I have tryed to find more images of the Spit with this yellow ring around the roundel and I have to agree with you on this that the black is hard to pick up in the artist profiles. so I salute my hat to you. and I have made a change on my org image so to keep with the history of the markings of the Spitfire. you got to keep me honest on this as Im no expert. So I thank you! but I do have a question about the yellow ring, seems its only on warbirds in defence of Great britain. is this true? was it added during the war as I dont see it post WW2. thanks again Wolf
Great work...i wonder how much time you gave yourself to do those nice work of art...

Hallo GW,

As you know RAF camo patterns and markings were determinated by strict rules.This topic is enough huge to write a book on that.But I can do it in a short way.

The first period to December 1939- A type of roundels on fuselage,no yellow ring around the roundel,no fin flash,no roundels on undersides its camo patterns were Day-Night (left half of undersides was painted black and the right one white the borderline was the main axis of plane looking from under), Day-Night-Aluminium - like previous camo but the wings were Black-White painted only,the rest of fuselage undersides was paintad with silver colour.

the second period from December 1939 to May 1940 - A type roundels on fuselage (and undersides - Units in France only),no yellow outline around the marks,fin flash on fins,

On 1st of May 1940 introduced the A1 roundel type on fuselages. It was A type one with yellow ring.The marks were paited on fuselages with fin flash on fins.

On 15th of May 1940 The A type roundel was introduced on undersides.Because wings in that time were painted with Day-Night camo pattern, the A roundel on left half of wings got the yellow ring and looked like A1 roundel but the difference was the yellow ring which was thinner than the A1 standard outline.These markings were used up to 6.06.1940 when the new camo pattern for undersides was introduced.

6.06.1940 - 1.08.1940 without the undersides roundels ,then once again ordered to paint the A type roundels without the yellow ring on undersides.Besides it was introduced a new width of fin flash stripes.

On 27th of November 1940 once again the black left underside of wings was introduced and the A type roundel again got the yellow thin ring.
On 15th of April 1941 ordered to paint undersides with roundels A type like the order from 1.08.1940 said.
On 15th of May 1942 new markings were ordered.These were C and C1(with yellow ring) and fin flash - a square 24"x24" or 24"x18" or 24"x36" and B type roundels on upper sides of wings.These all markings had the white colour reduced in order to make aiming harder.

The next a small correction introduced to roundels was the order from 3th of January 1945 when the B type roundel on upper surfaces of wings was replaced by C type.This order was issued for the all aircraft of the Second TAF in Europe.And these markings were used in postwar period but when there were introduced changes I cannot to tell you because I don't know simply.
I hope I've answered to your questions mostly.There I uploaded examples of markings used with Spits.All the pic come from SAM publications Modellers Datafile no.3


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Oh yes this one is called Honor , This is an image I did to show the respect
that the airmen on both side have for each other. I tryed to give that Italy look but Im not sure about the red dirt. but what the hell its something to
pull on your imagination. can you use this to print? you may be able to put to disc and take to a photo shop to enlarge and poster print.

I want to thank all of you for your comments and for Wungers help on the roundel markings. I really think Im going to like this site. alot of great people
with a wealth of infomation. Thanks again

Salute Wolf

PS. If its ok with you all I would like to post some more of my images for
all to download and enjoy on the PC.

Thank you for your very kind words.I thing that all of us here like your pics very much and it would great to enjoy then on our PC.

loads of successes and all the best friend.
Well here is some of my best images, well I hope they excite and inspire all
of you. Enjoy!

Salute Wolf


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More great work.

Wurger, I always wondered why the British painted the underside half white and half black? Was it unit markings?
To be honest I don't have any info on that.For sure it wasn't unit markings.For this were the code letters on fuselages.But for sure black and white painted undersurfaces were a kind of IFF for AAA.I have to go through some books.If I find something I let you know.
I hope these fit well on your screen, they seem to look best if you fit to screen. the full size is abit hard to really enjoy the full image.



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