Images by GreyWolf

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I still have plenty of images but Im slowing down do to work. hours from home working on Astars out of state. got a week to go and home for 3 weeks.
Ill have more time to make more images. this laptop is pretty good but my pc at home is my tool to do what I really want.

Salute Wolf


  • mich under fire 2.jpg
    mich under fire 2.jpg
    133.7 KB · Views: 106
Well its been a love I work at for 12 some years. I study photos and try to bring that out in my works. models dont always look all that real but they are scaled so you do the filtering work to get image as photo as possible. I going to build a tutoial on this kind of photo editting for those who really want to learn and do this kind of art. Coming Soon!
Salute Wolf
Nice job with the SBDs. Joy17782, I have photos of a P40 with British markings from North Africa. I read somewhere that the markings are not correct. I will see if I can get it scaned over the weekend for you. They do have the shark teeth but it is not the AVG.


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