Infected site?

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This is beginning to spoil my enjoyment of this site. When oh when will firefox/Google give the site a clean bill of health.

I have been unable to post a message using Firefox, every new page/post takes me straight to the red screen of death! I have had to resort to IE to type this message.

This BTW is now my log on screen under Firefox, it's lost most of the structure.


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This is beginning to spoil my enjoyment of this site. When oh when will firefox/Google give the site a clean bill of health.

I have been unable to post a message using Firefox, every new page/post takes me straight to the red screen of death! I have had to resort to IE to type this message.

This BTW is now my log on screen under Firefox, it's lost most of the structure.

You can turn of the "report attack sites" in the preferences of FF. Then you can use the site like before.
Google is slow. I'm still waiting for my band's website to pop up in the search engine, but still no luck. It'll probably take a month or so.

BTW guys, download the portable app of Chrome. You don't need to install, just unzip and go.It will only give you a warning an then display the forum correctly. You wil have the warning every time you open a tab with the forum, but as long as you stay in one tab, browsing the forum it'll work great. And Chrome is much faster then FF, too. You can get it here:
I followed the instructions and turned off the "reported attack sites" box and I'm viewing the site like normal. like Adler said as long as I don't click on any ads, I'll be fine
I continue to perform a comprehensive scan with Norton 360 and Counter-Spy every night and have yet to come up with anything more than tracking cookies which could come from anywhere. Personally this is a non-problem in my estimation
I continue to perform a comprehensive scan with Norton 360 and Counter-Spy every night and have yet to come up with anything more than tracking cookies which could come from anywhere. Personally this is a non-problem in my estimation

Agreed. Got home from church to be greeted by two waggy beagles, an indifferent toddler (wanted pretzels not hugs), and Microsoft Security Essentials telling me about an adware cookie that it was beating about the head and shoulders with a baseball bat, and what would I like to do with it? Infected cookie now sleeps with da' fishies, but as you said, it could have come from anywhere. If this entire site was as badly infected as Google keeps screaming (<shakes fist>Darn them!</shakes fist>), my computer would be full of viruses/trojans/worms, because I typically keep FF open with at least three tabs, one of which is, knowing me, I typically forget to close FF when I walk away from the 'pooter. So, to make a short story long and boring...:evil4:...just get a good AV program, keep it up to date, and don't use Internet Explorer (notice which browser has neglected to inform anyone that there may be a problem afoot?).

I don't know where to post this, so I do it here. My browser still shows as an attacking website (malware). I had to disable the securtity option to log in, but I am not sure what to to. Maybe someone of you can help me?


I don't know where to post this, so I do it here. My browser still shows as an attacking website (malware). I had to disable the securtity option to log in, but I am not sure what to to. Maybe someone of you can help me?


The issue lies in the advertisements on the site. We are currently working on getting the site removed from the attack warning.
Which browser do you use? If you use Firefox, click on Tools-Options-Security, and uncheck the block that says "Block reported attack sites". You'll have full and normal access to the site again.
Yes but this will also allow legit spam/malware sites to open in your browser.

It is not sure. It seems that the main problem has been caused by the advertisement that was provided just by the Google. So , if you don't click any of these adverts here all will be fine. Also if you have the accessing scaner of your anti-vir, there shouldn't be any trouble as well.
I'm not referring to this site Wurger, the problem here is clearly the ads, but if one would let's say open a link from an spam email which asks him to change his paypal login on a bogus server, by unchecking that option he will receive no warning.

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