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100% completely agree!
Y Those of you who claim that deposing Hussein was the right thing to do, can you please explain why and how the current situation in Iraq is better for the Iraqi people than when Hussein was in power?
can you please explain why and how the current situation in Iraq is better for the Iraqi people than when Hussein was in power?
The people of Iraq were given an opportunity to put things right and IMO blew it. With that said, I think the US stayed there way too long, troops should have started coming home the day Saddam Hussein was pulled out of his hole.
The best thing the west could do is stay the hell out of the region and let each wack job terrorist faction kill each other.
The best thing the west could do is stay the hell out of the region and let each wack job terrorist faction kill each other.
That's where I disagree. Saddam Hussein was an @sshole, he needed to go. He was armed during an era where undermining the communist bear and Iran clouded the possibility of him going rouge. Like the people of Iraq today, he had the opportunity to be a leader within the Islamic world, but unlike people like King Hussein or Sadat, he thought his brutality could be exported towards his neighbors. Like a rabid dog, he needed to be put down. All the idiot needed to do was comply with UN weapons inspectors, he'd probably still be alive today...I agree. We shouldn't have gone in in the first instance.
All the idiot needed to do was comply with UN weapons inspectors, he'd probably still be alive today...
He did, Joe. I'm sorry, but the resulting mess in no way justifes the pretext for invasion and everything that is happening now is because of it. You are right, Hussein was an a-hole, but so is Assad in Syria, so is Mugabe in Zimbabwe and so are a number of Third World dictators needlessly butchering their own people, but that doesn't mean we should jump in with our sense of morality, even though it is something we feel we ought to do. The US government was warned that what's happening now would happen back in 2003, but chose to ignore it.
Democracy in Iraq doubtful, State Dept. report says / Social, economic obstacles work against transformation - SFGate
Iraq was broken already and if Husseins removal means an eruption of violence, then so be it.
we were in a mess of trouble if we had to rely on someone like Saddam to give us regional security in this part of the world. My opinion....he was a problem that needed to be dealt with. We should have finished the job in 91 but didnt. But we did go back and get rid of him in 03. So that allowed sectarian violence to erupt, but in my opinion Iraq was broken already and if Husseins removal means an eruption of violence, then so be it.
There was nothing good about that bastard, except that he died. unnaturally.....
You know, I don't disagree with you guys on how much of an a-hole Hussein was, but the regional and international threat he posed by 2003 was greatly exaggerated by the US government; Desert Storm and subsequent sanctions made sure of that. Joe, I could quote at least a dozen counters to your quotes about the threat Iraq actually posed and the WMDs, including from Hans Blix, who was used as evidence by the UN regarding the inspection of nuclear facilities, but I won't. It's clear we can only agree to disagree on this.