Is Democracy Over-rated?

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The prototype Landrover was built on a jeep chassis but that's about it. As for it being the only decent Brit car, have you ever driven a Mini? Other than flying, it's the most fun you can have with your clothes on!

I have driven one, but I can put it in my Jeep, so why drive one?
".... Looks like Im late for this party. Too many posts to read here. Anyone want to tqake pity on me and say where you guys are up to...."

Sure, Parsifal, we're talking about whether or not the cars produced in democracies are over-related ... I think .... :)

".... The people I met had pretty ambivalent feelings about [ ... ] their home, with few interests except sports and doing sweet f**k all!..."

As compared to say the Anzacs, Nuuumannn ... :)


Unambivalent Canadian
Careful John ..... :) Is this really what you think about us Canadians ..... (from Your Guardian link):

".... Canada is kind of a weird place. The stereotypical pleasantries of its peoples are there, but they rest on the edge of mass insecurity, just this side of a fully fledged personality disorder."

Now, you see most people would be insulted by that .... :)

Proud Canadian ... I think ... :)


The Guardian link and the other one was in reply to Neil's declaration that the UK meant nothing to modern Canadians.
The Guardian is a law unto itself and I do not know whether they are right to say these things about Canada.
I certainty would not deliberately insult allies , I meant only to show two sides to the argument about historical loyalty.

We share the same opinions but, others don't !!

Looks like I'm missing all of the fun again. Haha, hope everyone's doing good. Would post more but school's killing me. Well, I don't think Democracy is overrated. Sure, we have done bad things in the past (then again, everyone else does). But, democratic countries are one of the few forms of government that will aknowledge that these bad things have happened-well, at least from the response of the people. In truth, I am perfectly happy living in a democratic country. Like the US...we may have faults, but it is human to have faults, even in government. Unfortunately, nobody is perfect. That being said, I wouldn't mind living in the Isles (Ireland in particular). Might be fun. Oh, and American cars are great, but I've had my 1998 Volvo S70 for almost five years now, and I love that car. You Brit's make great cars too, but the Swedes are pretty high up there as well. :)

Volvo's are iconic cars here. It would be easy to believe thay when the bombs drop the only thiongs to survive would be cockroachs and your dad's Volvo 240 Estate.
Ireland is a lovely place, much slower paced than Britain with beautiful scenery especially in Kerry. Not to mention the rather good Guinness:occasion5:

Looks like Im late for this party. Too many posts to read here. Anyone want to tqake pity on me and say where you guys are up to.

Hello Michael, the thread has wandered from a discussion about historical loyalty to QE2, the relevance of the Royalty in Commonwealth countries today, an agreement that USA beer, not as good as British real ale,a denial that America would love to be part of QE2's domain, that Chris can fit a Mini in his Jeep and democracies have somehow survived despite making appalling cars.
No one has mentioned the Morris Marina yet either.
Quite a diverse thread :lol:
The new Mini's in the states... well... aren't really that mini anymore.

True, the BMW MINI like my S is a different car to the original. The clever bit is carrying over the basic concept and style to appeal to a new generation of buyer. BMW us have done a superb job. The handling is almost without compare on twisty roads and the S performance has upped the stakes to a real pocket rocket.
Agreed, its not very practical but, its fun with a capital F.
We have other cars for the kids dogs etc, The S is mine.
The prototype Landrover was built on a jeep chassis but that's about it. As for it being the only decent Brit car, have you ever driven a Mini? Other than flying, it's the most fun you can have with your clothes on!

Nawww, I'll stick wit my LandRover!!!



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As compared to say the Anzacs

Nah, we're not ambivalent about our own countries, but about each other's; that's different! Well, I can't say too much; I really enjoyed living in Australia as a teenager. Surfer's Paradise beaches, alcohol, scantily clad girls; hard life... :lol:

On the subject of Landrover, I heard recently that the British army were replacing their Landrovers with Nissan Serenas!
On the subject of Landrover, I heard recently that the British army were replacing their Landrovers with Nissan Serenas! contraire Grant. The British army will only use the ultimate off roader out Land Rover...although it hardly qualifies as 100% British these days. Like anything else we had that we of value.. it was sold. :protest:


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