Italaerei 1/72 Ju86 D1

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So I've been knocking away at this bird. Try as I might there just isn't a huge load of detailed drawings or pictures of it available so I kind of had to fake it a bit based on what I have found. The next challenge is to scratch up a Jumo 605....I guess.

The wheel bay and the bomb bay is about as accurate as I can find it so far but now that it's done....well it's done.
Great work mate!

The 'other' company was Revell, one of their older issues in silvery-grey plastic. I made it myself - nice kit, but they made a huge error with the lower tail cone area, and the Swiss markings are incorrect for the radial engined version.
Had the same problems in finding details too, and the net didn't exist yet either, so my best reference was the local library's 'Warplanes of the third Reich' by William Green.
As you can see, it appears the spars have a vertical ribbing all along them.

Keep up the great work!

Those drawings are great !!!! I found something like that on the net but the quality was so small it was hard to see any detail. At least I know I'm more or less on the right track. Thanks ! They will come in very handy for the wings and nacelles.
Wow, great photos, thanks mate!
I went to that museum in 1997 (fantastic collection) ,but this was all I was able to photograph due to tight spacing (undercarriage is up unfortunately).


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