The guy I am building this for does not care either way. He said he wanted it to look "beat up". He is in the air force and a really good guy. I think he will be happy with whatever the result is.
I been doing the backwards masking thing on NMF for many years now. Always a pain but worth it in the end. It looks beat-up enough to me, but you know what they say, "the customer is always right"!
Well finally the landing gear is on. I dirtied up the struts and what not with drybrushing deluded black acrylic. I have some gray powder to put on the wheels plus I still have to do some touchups and a bit more weathering on the gear. The good thing is, is that the tedious part of installing the landing gear is done.
She's not done yet, I still have to install the antenna cables and do a lot of touchups but she is getting close. It's not perfect, but Im doing the best I can with what I know.