Of course Lightning Guy, I was simply making the statment about the gun itself not the plane. You couldn't fire a 102mm cannon awfully quick, but if an A-10 (Warthog) could fire it's cannon for more than 8 seconds it would stall..
Yeah, the recoil on the GAU-8 equals the thrust of one of the A-10s engines! I saw something on tv tonight about the 75mm gun on the B-25G and H. According to witnesses, it looked like the plane stopped when it was fired. I can just imagine what a 102mm weapon would do.
that's why i said "quick" in speech marks, i realise you proberly would be able to make more than one shot per pass, not that you'd have to make more than one pass, 1 hit from a 102mm would sink anything...........
Sink? As in a ship? Not hardly. But if you mean plane, a direct hit probably would, a near miss probably would, but you have to remember the Germans were putting 88mm and 100mm shells right into the heart of American bomber formations and alot of those planes were able to survive the shrapnel damage.
Something unarmorred could be sunk with one 102mm round. A light cruiser could (theoretically) be sunk by a 102mm shell. But I seriously doubt any critical area of a heavy cruiser or battleship would have been vulnerable to a shell that (relatively) small.
I agree with Lightning, although on the German 88mm and 105mm (It was 105, not 100 ), they were Flak guns so, as you know, they blew up. A direct hit from any of them would have taken down anything.
I very much doubt a 102mm cannon could take much down (Ship wise), the guns on the Bismarck were 15 inch, that's 380mm and it took several hits to take down the Hood.