Italian Planes

Best Itallian Plane?

  • Fiat CR.42

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Savoia-Marchetti SM.81

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Breda 88

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Exactly. My point was that even when they had the techonological advantage (like Ethiopia) or the numerical advantage (like Greece as you pointed out) the Italians didn't seem to be truly committed to the war. They never achieved the types of victories that they should have been able to.
Partly due to political leadership, and mostly to do with military leadership, right down to the regimental commanders.
That's the excuse. You wouldn't want to fight either if you were getting beaten everytime.
So it's a vicious circle. They don't want to fight because they also get defeated, then they get defeated lessing their will to fight even more.
The Political and Military leadership and comunications were poor and cooperation at times was lacking. Over all the aircraft had problums with mass production.
I don't think it was so much the planes had problems with mass production as it was that Italy lacked the industry to mass produce them.
No it wouldn't be spam, and I don't think anyone cares if you do spam anyway.
But I do miss C.C not the spam but the coversation, when he did talk was good.

As for Frace and Italy and war It was in the past, before aircraft. If they were to have fought on whose ground, or would it be in the Med?

Italia production was just not ready, the Po Valley was the best bet, but even that was small. In short they were not ready for the war and were never able to ramp it up.
Without going into the who will surrender first it depends on ground. If Italy attacked France in 1940 France would win, the other way around Italy would win. Italy would control the seas. There was only one place to fight without going through other countries, and to defend it the Italians had the Alps the French had the Maginot Line.
I don't know if Italy would control the seas or not. France actually had some pretty good capital ship designs and Richeleau and Dunkerque were probably better than their Italian counterparts.
The fact that the French Navy was completely obliterated off the coast of North Africa by the Royal Navy doesn't give them much credit.
It wasn't exlcussively the RN Plan_D. The biggest ship the Vichy had left was the 15in gun BB Jean Bart which was quickly silenced by the USS Massachusetts.

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