It's official, I am now a published reporter and photographer! (1 Viewer)

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Thanks guys. I sent my press badge over to the media rep for the EAA in Camarillo. I now have my press invitation to media day and the show! What's cool about that is that not only will I have a reserved spot right on show center, but media day gives you a chance to meet the airshow performers and receive a media flight. I plan on getting at least 2 articles out of this one.
It was only a matter of time. You've got real artistic talent there and sooner or later someone had to notice it. Congrats!!
hehe Self importance? Nah, when you're good, well.... ;) Thanks Dan. I will do my best to get some kick ass pics. I need to take a serious look at my camera this weekend though, as I had some shutter lock-up happening the last couple of days that is concerning...and pissing me off! I had the shot lined up I wanted, click.......shake the camera....curse a few more Shutter opened and wouldn't close! WTF?! I may end up upgrading that camera body sooner than I thought. The last thing I need is for that shutter to freeze on me in the middle of a media flight.

I guess after 24,000+ pictures that have been snapped by that shutter, sooner or later, something was bound to get loose.
That pass is going to be worth it's weight in gold Eric no wonder you're considering the D80 upgrade' I'm surprised now your heading towards professional its not going to be the D2X a bargain at $4000:rolleyes:
heheh I would have to be selling a whole lot more pictures to justify a D2X. And to be honest, I really don't see the benefit of the D2X over the D200 or D80.

The good news is that I think I may have the problem fixed on the D50. One thing I noticed is that when I was zooming in and out with the Bigma, I could feel the lens rotate in the mount just slightly. It got looser over time and then got to the point where the camera was wigging out by just turning the lens slightly. I tightened up the screws on the lens mount and it is better so far.

I am heading over to the "first Sunday" event at Santa Paula airport today and will give it a good workout to make sure it's okay. If not, I'll be scrambling to get something done in less than 2 weeks.
The one thing Iv,e found with the bigma Eric is when you point it at people they never seem to know whether to smile or duck, paint it khaki and it looks like a bloody Piat (probably just as effective against heavy amour)
Thanks fellas. Today was perfect, the camera and lens were performing flawlessly for the Santa Paula "First Sunday" event. I plan on doing an article on that event in the near future and should be able to get some media rides. It turns out I have a few friends out there. I handed out a few 8x10 prints as thanks for the July 3rd photo flight. I knew 2 of the guys had their planes out there, but all 4 pilots from the July 3 event were there.

Here are a few shots from today at Santa Paula.


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That last shot is an Aeronca Champion. My family line has a long history with the Aeronca line of aircraft. It's a tribute to my cousin Paul (the shot, not the airplane).

I have seen that Texan around for a while and I was wondering who would be the first to ask how a Texan got German markings. I don't know....yet. That is something that I want to find out too.
Its great to see these aircraft being looked after so well we are fortunate that the US has a strong economy or many of these historic planes would not be in the air.

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