Japan pulls back on denials of WWII sex slaves

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I do'nt think I've been disrespectful or confrontational at all. I just dislike revisionism and spin. I also think it's incredibly condescending to be outraged on someone elses behalf, Shinpachi has proven in the past he's perfectly capable of communicating his side of the debate.

Shinpachi, if the women were voluntary prostates why are they still claiming all these years later that they were sex slaves? It doesn't really add up, any more to add to the debate?
Shinpachi, if the women were voluntary prostates why are they still claiming all these years later that they were sex slaves? It doesn't really add up, any more to add to the debate?

This may be unbelievable for you, raumatibeach, but please allow me to state what I saw and felt as it is.

As long as I watched those ladies who used to be young half a century ago on TV(Korean TV introduced in Japan) a few years ago, they looked being asked to join there by their government. Though I didn't see, a friend of mine pointed out a lady showed her old passbook during the war as an evidence. Their intention would have been to show how low wage it was for her. The passbook was showing 'only' thousands of Yen. Thousands of Yen is equivalent to tens of dollars in today's monetary value but, in the 1940's, it was equivalent to hundreds of thouand dollars today. Modern Koreans may be unfamiliar with such old foreign currency value but she could have known the value well. If it had been her own will to be on TV, she would never have shown the passbook.

What they want us?
It would be money, of course.

Sorry if my expression is so direct.

I also have not been talking about you.

Are you the one PMing people telling them to stop "pussyfooting" about it?

So how about you get on with the conversation.
Thanks Bill.
Chris and everyone else, I apologise wholeheartedly and I have made a bad error of judgement.
My fault for asking someone I thought may be able to help me in private rather than post on the main thread.
I promise not to repeat this.
I'll leave it to Chris whether this is bannable offence.
I will accept your decision without question.
Again, I am deeply sorry.
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We've all sinned, as have our countries. But it seems like a lot of us like to showcase other people's/countries sins, and minimize our own.

Shinpachi, I remember when I was in Japan in the mid 1960's it was 360 yen to a dollar, or 1 yen was about 1/4 cent. But the also had the sen, which was even less, 50 sen = ?? yen. I could see that the sen was a useless money donomination then, because you couldn't buy anything with 1 sen. ( at that time, you could get a small orange flavored drink with 2 yen), I though the sen might have been left over from their older monetary system, when a yen was worth a lot more.
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Don't go there mate...
OK, this is what I don't understand. Supposing I referred to you as a "Brit?" Are you offended? I have Jewish friends who refer to themselves as "Jews." All I'm saying is if "Jap" took on a derogatory innuendo, I wasn't aware of it. That said, I certainly have no issue respecting other's perceptions. It's just not worth fighting about.
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Why would I ban you? Very disrespectful though, and to me it leaves trust issues.

And why not go there, on a question about Holocaust denial?
I offer you my apologies for my actions.
My life expectancy on this forum will be short now as soon as Chris reads my PM.
Best wishes
I agree. And I wish to jump in here. If someone sends you a PM, it is intended to be a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Posting it in the public forum castrating the PM originator is childish and uncalled for. If you have a problem with the PM content, resolve it PRIVATELY or contact a Moderator.

As Adler has said multiple times, there is not a reason for a banning unless things spiral out of control. Please get back to the topic. I'll help...

Human trafficking (slavery) is a huge issue even in these modern times. Today we have foreigners entering into the US (many of them illegal women) being told that they have a paying job lined up. Reality is that once they arrive, the language and societal barriers force them to depend upon their handlers for food, clothing, shelter and healthcare. This dependence coupled with the very real threat of deportation forces these "slaves" underground and subject to very serious abuse (e.g. sexual, monetary, physical freedom, etc). Now would anybody accuse the US of harboring slaves or a slave economy? No. I believe that this where Shinpachi-san is coming from. This was very likely not solely an IJA sponsored consiracy, but was an unfortunate, evil result of greed and moral abuse undertaken by all sides. Does this give the IJA a pass? Not in my eyes. But then again war is the sub-human side of mankind. And the first thing all sides do is dehumanize the other.
I agree. In fact I was more outraged at the publishing of the PM than I was at the substance of it. If one can't deal with an immoderate PM, don't unilaterally publish it, bring it up with the moderators.

1yen is 100sen. The unit of sen is still being used when calculating the interest but no actual coins anymore.
Your posts are honorable, direct and truthful as you know them. Doesn't mean that others agree, Shinpachi-san. My personal take is that the IJA performed dishonorable acts. However, I do believe that the underlying roots of their actions are NOT demonstrably just IJA perpetrated. The truth is likely much more muddy in origination, purpose and goal.
Shinpachi, I think I accidentally deleted your post to Readie. It was not intentional. Please repost it.

Thanks for your notification, Adler

I offer you my apologies for my actions.

I hope you not care so much, John, please.
What you said about the Japanese warcrime is just what I learnt at school.
Most of the Japanese people are mindful not to excuse and justify what we did during the war even today.
Our Prime Minister Abe is one of them. I was simply unable to remain indifferent to he was misunderstood.

Waged or unwaged, it is true that those women suffered extraordinary pain beyond our imagination.
My own frank desire is to leave them alone.

I hesitate to write this as maybe political but, to avoid your misunderstanding, financial aid to them has been being taken place, if my memory is correct, since the end of the 1990s through a private entity from our government indirectly.
There is a reason why not direct. If anyone may ask, I will answer.

I did not imagine that my posts would be accepted in this thread.
Please let me appreciate you all members great generosity.
Thank you very much.
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