Japan pulls back on denials of WWII sex slaves

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I also have not been talking about you.

Are you the one PMing people telling them to stop "pussyfooting" about it?

So how about you get on with the conversation.

Not guilty on any counts there, I've never pmed anyone here let alone a moderator.

I'm trying to get on with the conversation but it seems to get lost in all the apologies and explanations.

While there may be some debate over the Korean comfort women this wiki article Comfort women - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, it states that many of them were abducted and raped. You may have a point about the Korean women for all I know but that article didn't say your prime minister had been trying to correct the Koreans claims and it's important if we are discussing this that not all of the women -possilby the minority were willing participants.

The original article on this thread also mentions government visits to the Yasukuni Shrine which has memorials to convicted war criminals. I'm sure you can understand people from other countries being unable to fathom how your government could do this, it would be unheard of for a German leader to do the same.
Not guilty on any counts there, I've never pmed anyone here let alone a moderator.

I'm trying to get on with the conversation but it seems to get lost in all the apologies and explanations.

Then quit apologizing and explaining yourself for stuff you are not doing. That has been my point the whole damn time.

You were never part of the problem. Do you finally understand?

I am about to close the thread for christs sakes.

I am no match for the wiki article at all but glad to know that most of the article were basically writen by the Japanese researchers.
Abe tried to correct and that was the starting point of this thread.
Japanese are often compared with my respectful Germans but we can't be Germans as backgrounds are totally different.
I have never been to the Yasukuni Shrine but even if my father was a scumbag, I would go to his grave.

Then quit apologizing and explaining yourself for stuff you are not doing. That has been my point the whole damn time.

You were never part of the problem. Do you finally understand?

I am about to close the thread for christs sakes.

I never said i was part of the problem-you accused me of sending pms. I have never sent a pm to anyone here
i never apologised for anything. I was told to be more respectful some reason.
i never thought I was part of the the problem, I've tried all along to discuss this topic and in between all the other nonsense- the incessant apologies etc -I've learned some things about something I didn't know much about

Shinpachi, if this thread gets shut down I'd like to say that even if I disagree with you its interesting to hear your side of things. I agree that Japan should honour its world war two dead as should Germany or any other country- the 12 convicted war criminals have no place being honoured though.
Abe's grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, was a class A war criminal though he survived to be Prime Minister in 1956 after all.
Abe is influenced much by his grandfather but not a bad guy.
I feel that this situation is very hard to see a clear answer to.
I do not think that there are may Japanese who would not recognise that there were serious wrongs in the name of their country. There has been some attempts both directly and indirectly to make reparations. This should be recognised and encouraged. We must be careful not to keep picking over these wounds and allowing them to fester. It is understandable that China and Korea are angered if they see a step back from the previous acknowledgements of guilt. That is natural and to be expected.
However, in order to progress both sides need to be aware of the sensitivities of these issues and not be guilty of "playing politics" to suit their ambitions.

Being British and extremely proud of it, I find it a little annoying to have our Colonnial past and transgressions dragged up at the drop of a hat. I am aware that their is "blood on our hands" historically, but not on my hands or in my name. So I am not going to apologize for it - it is a matter of historical record that everyone needs to accept.

Oh jesus christ.

Is English your first language? You were not accused of sending PMs. The whole time I was talking about someone else, not YOU!!!! The only reason I was answering to you is because you kept argueing stuff that had nothing to do with you. Are you the member Readie?

Now one last fibal time...

Stop, get back on discussion, and move on.

My head is about to explode.

No different than the modern Japanese, Germans or Americans huh?
Of course I don't want to imply that revise history is any good, but I believe revisionist history is in every country. Here in the Netherlands for instance you will hardly learn anything about the police actions in Indonesia in 1947 and 1948. All I learned in the history books was that we almost won it, but had to retreat under US pressure. 2 lines in a book, not more. I now learned that some Dutch soldiers did not behave well and attrocities have been done. Not something we will ever read in our history books. I guess it's the same in all countries. Maybe people who are judging the Japanese and Germans so hard about this should realise this first.
What happened in Nazi Germany, though, was different than what happened, here. That was a genocide and the systematic extermination of "undesirable" classes of people. Here, "War is hell." That's not to minimize it, but to differentiate it.
But Marcel has a very good point. In school I hardly learned anything about the Philippine Insurrections wars with the US and it was not until years later that I ever learned the truth that sometimes, we were not the good guys.
What happened in Nazi Germany, though, was different than what happened, here. That was a genocide and the systematic extermination of "undesirable" classes of people. Here, "War is hell." That's not to minimize it, but to differentiate it.
I don't see difference in any warcrime, these Dutch soldiers also behaved bad, murdered whole villages. And we also don't hear anything about the Dutch being the biggest slave traders. So no, I don't see a big difference.
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Okay, your head is about to explode? I'm not Readie and in post 44 you accused me of sending pas. Sheesh

Abe's grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, was a class A war criminal though he survived to be Prime Minister in 1956 after all.
Abe is influenced much by his grandfather but not a bad guy.

This is interesting, do you have any links to his crimes you can post?
Okay, your head is about to explode? I'm not Readie and in post 44 you accused me of sending pas. Sheesh



In post 44, I said I was not talking about you. I asked if you were sending PMs retoricaly, as in you are not the one. It really is obvious you were not accused of anything.

Will someone else please explain this to him...

Go back and actually read the damn post. I am getting tired of this.
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I don't see difference in any warcrime, these Dutch soldiers also behaved bad, murdered whole villages. And we also don't hear anything about the Dutch being the biggest slave traders. So no, I don't see a big difference.
I don't know what happened, there, Marcel. I should have been clearer. I was differentiating the subject of this thread, not that.
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