Jeff's Excellent Fishing Adventure

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I am always amazed at mother nature and her ability. This small island is nothing more than exposed rock face yet these trees have somehow managed to not only germinate, they thrive out in the middle of the lake. Hearty species need only apply for this location as it is wind and wave swept but provides for great fishing opportunities and a rest area for birds.

The other type of fish I saw plenty of besides the delicious walleye was the predator of the lake, the northern pike. Voracious by nature, this fish will attempt to eat anything it can get into it's mouth. Didn't see any monster sized pike but if I had not have come home early we were scheduled to head into a lake where last time I fished it we caught lots of lunkers including at 15 pounder. This little one was just over two pounds.

My biggest walleye of the trip was this one, weighing in at just over two pounds. Both my brother and I agree that anything bigger than this gets released as they are needed for breeding stock. My brother advised me that walleye lifespan up where he is is about 15 years and they are slow growing as the lake is frozen over for 7-8 months of the year. It is therefore very important to leave the breeding stock to do their thing.

Yet another old railway bridge that spans the small river that joins the two lakes. The railroad opened up Canada and it is highly romanticized in Canadian history. For Canadians of my era, Gordon Lightfoot's " Railroad Trilogy" is a wonderful account of the early railroad work.


to be con't.


The Sunday morning of my stay I decided to head down to the dock to watch the sunrise and I am glad that I did. No artist's brush, no matter how good he/she is can quite capture the overall beauty of a sunrise. It is more than what your eye captures. It is what you hear, the smell of the water and the breeze in your face along with a total feeling of peace that makes it an experience that I wish everyone could have on occasion.

Okay, enough of the sentimental stuff. Despite the rosy coloured sunrise, the weather turned a tad sour for part of the day. We did head out fishing and my brother caught this big girl just before 16:00 hrs. She tip the scales at just over 5 pounds which qualifies her as a large walleye for these parts. My brother has a favourite pole which we have nicknamed " the noodle". It is so lightweight that every fish looks like it is going to be huge but when he hooked into this one I could tell from his reaction that she was going to be big.

Shortly after supper the weather cleared off agin and mother nature once again provided me with another photo opportunity with some colour across the sky.

This was one of three rainbows that we saw that evening.

I knew that as long as the cloud was scattered we were in for a brilliant sunset and the photos do not do it justice.

The last photo I have to share to end this little trip is one that is fitting to end with. Taken on the last troll along the shore for the evening my brother hooked into another fish and the boat was headed in the right direction to get him with the sunset in the background and the pole bent right over.

Nothing much different over the following day and the need to get home kept me from enjoying more town monuments along the way. My brother and I have agreed that this needs to be an annual trip. He will be retiring from the Ontario Provincial Police in 16 months so we only have to worry about squeezing it in one more summer then it gets a lot easier.

Hope you have enjoyed the photos as well as learned a bit about Ontario and some of the great outdoor adventures that await here in the province I call home.


Great little adventure Jeff, I'm totally envious of all that lovely fish to be eaten, you had me drooling. Thanks also for the info, it's interesting knowing how it all works and those eagle shots, fantastic.

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