At13:13 hrs this afternoon I said goodbye to my pal. Willie was just shy of 10.5 years of age and over the past couple of months his back legs started to give out. I made a promise to myself that when it got to the point where he could get hurt or had no dignity, I would do what every dog owner dreads. Today was that day.
Mine since he was a newborn we did nearly everything together. He went where I went, came for rides in the car and to the donut shop where he loved his treats.
It has been just over six hours since I held him as he took his last breath. A river of tears and a mountain of tissues followed.
The atached picture was taken after the sedative was administered but 5 minutes before the drugs that took him. He simply closed his eyes and was gone. No more pain, no more worries.
Anyone who met Willie loved Willie. He had a ferocious sounding bark but truth be known, he was afraid of his own shadow.
My house is quiet now. No barking, no clicking of nails on the floor, no clinging of his ID tags on his food or water dish.
His collar hangs on the post of the banister outside my bedroom and it will stay there till the day I move and then it will come with me.
I will bury most of his ashes out back on the property that he knew and loved. Some will be put aside to go with me after I have travelled up the chimney.
I miss my friend.