Just like a big Airfix kit...

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Jul 25, 2007
Cambridgeshire, England
A mate of mine sent me this time-lapse video of the Mossie being put back together at Virginia Beach. Interesting stuff to see...but annoying that their production rate with a real aircraft is faster than mine with plastic model kits! :rolleyes:

Good stuff. I'm quite surprised at the lack of rigging used to lift the fuselage onto the wing. We took a lot more precautions on RS700 to prevent bending the fuselage at the weak points.
A mate of mine sent me this time-lapse video of the Mossie being put back together at Virginia Beach. Interesting stuff to see...but annoying that their production rate with a real aircraft is faster than mine with plastic model kits! :rolleyes:

These guys have had a bit more practice with mossies, and it was a re-assembly, after more than a decade of build time....

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