Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in!

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Well, we did an Open Mic night at a local bar. Only did 4 songs but we brought the house down! Play "Low", "Cheap Sunglasses", "You May Be Right" and ended with "Ziggy Stardust". Everybody started hooting and hollering with us after the first song. We still got it!!!

So last night they let us play a full hour at the Open Mic. And it payed off! A promoter came up and offered us some dates to play in August! Woo-hoo!!
Cool stuff, (so what does he want you to promote, his mortgage?.. joking, sort of..,) good luck, but in these economic times... Sorry, I'm initially sceptical [really, you don't say..]

Wishing you and the rest of your band well, with lots of fun and some uber-cool gigs, perhaps with one or two discounted beers each too
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and we just got word that we will be headlining a benefit on 20 July at a local bar/pub for a bartender who just passed away at age 28. Sad. But word was getting around and we're starting to make it! This is pretty cool to this old fart!
Goodluck, playwell, break a string, and fart cool-ly, your not as old as think, well no one is when you seen close-ups of the Stones at Glastonbury - well singing and still moving musically active zombie-a-likes ...allegedly.

I do like the stones, if you like anything rock based, it is both amazing and inspiring that musically and performance wise, though not physically, they haven't aged much, then again, you/we've got to do/have/want something to keep that internal/mental youthful self alive happier.
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