Bill, Who was Priest? He's not on our roster of 445th men who flew that day.
Linda - Royce Priest was flying wing to Henry Brown leading Yellow flight of the 355th and the first to reach the 445th and attack the Fw 190A8's. Henry Brown shot down the last of his total 14.2 a/c destroyed in the air that day. Priest got his 4th and 5th over Hannover on the 26th November - a very familiar date for Erich - while also in the area of the 445th BG.
I would like to see the 8th AF Mission Summary if you have it. The 355th History has the lead box of the lead combat wing taking the heading toward Gottingen. As the 355th was in the lead of 2AD, the report has some credence as the 'middle of the stream' would be sevral miles behind the 355th.
Is it possible that the lead CW was late and the 445th proceeded to the lead of 2nd AD?
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