Kawanishi N1K2-J Shidenkai (George) 1/48 scale

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Now have the canopy on. Did a little bit of silver on the frame edges first to simulate some chipping and wear and tar.

Picture 1:- Kawanishi cockpit green was sprayed on first for the interior colour.

Picture 2 3:- Then the Tamiya XF70 dark green for the topside.

Picture 4 5:- The propeller and spinner assembled

Picture 6:- The flaps now weathered and ready to be added.

Picture 7:- The damaged decal to be repaired...urghh! - (very) hopefully going to show a neatly repaired version soon.


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Looking good and nice to see someone is as paranoid about masking as I am.]

Yup - I'm terrible. I always find myself going for another strip of tape. And thanks everyone for your support. Hopefully I'll get a chance this weekend to get the decal done - although it's a new area for me - so any advice will be welcome. (looking on the web as well for tips).
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What do you mean by get the decal done Tim? remove the damaged one? then apply the new one.....if so a carefully applied piece of sticky tape will lift the old decal right off, however sometimes this takes the underlying paint with it too...so be careful. alternatively a light careful rubdown with some real fine sandpaper will smooth out the edges of the damaged decal and you hopefully can overlay the new one.
Yes - that's what I was trying to say. I'd read somewhere that dabbing warm water on the decal might help in removing it but I'll follow your advice with the sandpaper - and sticky tape if that proves difficult. I suspect that the acrylic paint will lift quite easily though. Thanks for the tip - I did think I'd have to remove the decal completely but it's a relief to know that I may not have to.
With the silver undercoat you may well lift the green off with the decal if you use the sticky tape.....is the green acrylic?

probably the safest way is the light sanding to smooth out the damaged area at least 1200 grade or higher and go light, slow and carefully, much like dry fitting parts. A little bit clean it up check it do it again and again till your happy.
Pictures 1 2:- Did some gentle sanding of the decal, going as far as that shown in picture 2 - with the most damaged part removed. I left the rest of the decal on as it was sat well onto the fuselage. The dark green acrylic top coat of paint was starting to come off with it as I sanded and I didn't want a big aluminium area left accross the fuselage. (Spot the crease on the white band).

Picture 3:- The new decal in place, overlayed over the top of the remaing old one. It matched up very well. The underlying paint does show through a bit but overall - very pleased with the result.

Thanks for the advice Wayne, it was definitely the way to go.

Pictures 4 5:- The yellow leading edge markings added together with the cannon muzzles and pitot tube.


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