Kawanishi N1K2-J Shidenkai (George) 1/48 scale

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Thankyou both and all for your kind comments so far. The colour markings under the tail wings have been done. A bit more weathering has been added to give some scuffing to the fuselage. I've nearly finished redoing the prop, just the yellow markings to complete, and then I'll start masking the canopy, just need to get a paint mask set (but might make some up). Still a way to go.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Once the festivities were over with I got back to moving things on a bit.

Pictures 1 2: Some 'abrasion' work, using a micro mesh pad VERY lightly, to give more variation to the weathering.

Picture 3: Wheels and struts ready to go on - just want to check I get the angle of the wheels right so they sit on the flat spots - so they'll go on later.

Picture 4: The repair on the flap - top left. Some touching up left to do.

Pictures 5,6,7 8: Decal pics. The decals are all now on. But I managed to mess up the starboard fuselage decal. Luckily Monsieur Wayne Little has saved the day and is sending me a spare; fantastique...mon sauveur, merci beaucoup.

Small Pictures 9,10,11,12 13: Various shots of the fuselage, engine and cowling.

Pictures 14 15: Underside decals on - which went on more cleanly than the topside set for some reason.

Small Pictures 16 17: Propeller front and back - now a much better colour and with much better yellow bands - just needs some touching up.

Small Pictures 18 19: The gun sight, ready to go in place. And the canopy, dipped in Klear and drying before I mask it. (I didn't have a mask set otherwise it would have gone on earlier.)

Any comments welcome - as this is my first go at a Japanese plane and the weathering technique.


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