Kawasaki Ninja H2R - Meng 1/9 scale

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
While waiting for the next GB to start I decided to have a crack at this larger scale kit. Released in 2019 I purchased it in mid 2020 so there was plenty of internet info on the build.

I started the kit a couple of weeks ago, mainly sorting all the component parts ready for painting. With these larger kits I tend to snip everything off the sprue, label them and then have one marathon spray effort.

This is most of the spraying and detailing done and almost ready for construction. The decal sheet is all carbon fiber. Not a job I'm looking forward to.

As said, I was not looking forward to placing all the carbon fiber decals and my trepidation proved right.

This is where I'm at and I have only just scratched the surface. On placing the first decal I had some fracturing to deal with, something I was not expecting from decals that are only just 5 years old. Never the less, out came the Liquid Decal Film and a couple of good coats applied.

This is the carbon fiber decal instruction sheet. I have found that the decals also need some reasonably hot water to get them to release from the backing film. As for application, liberal amounts of Micro Sol are needed to soften what looks to be an aluminium type foil decal. I have also found that in places it is best to nick the decal in order to make it conform to the shape of the part. It is also slow work as one has to wait until the decal is completely dry and settled down correctly before even thinking of applying the next adjacent decal.

Meanwhile, while waiting on the decals to set I've started the kit construction. Here the power plant and associated attachments. Little to no glue has been needed as the parts fitted so far have either been press fit or screwed. I dis need to use a little on the engine black to seal the edges while under clams.


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