Kennedy JFK Assasination


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Why? People like me like to find the truth, as I came across the website of
Yeah me neither. My grandpa said probably that many people have confessed to his murder. Then I told him about the bullet that Files had bitten into.
Things I have understood from Files:
#1:Oswald was not involved
#2:There was a person at the Knoll(Files)
#3:The head wound was massive because Kennedy was hit by two bullets at the same time.
#4: Rosseli was a part of the CIA, but there was no mob or government hit.
ww1ace said:
Things I have understood from Files:
#1:Oswald was not involved
#2:There was a person at the Knoll(Files)
#3:The head wound was massive because Kennedy was hit by two bullets at the same time.
#4: Rosseli was a part of the CIA, but there was no mob or government hit.
Oswald as involved - as a patsy...

Johnny Rosseli was in the mob and worked for Sam Gincana. Sam Gincana and Carlos Marchello were being hounded by Bobbie Kennedy. Both of these guys may of helped the CIA during the 1950s.

Read Contract on America, it tell of the Mob involvement...

My belief the hit was done by a rouge CIA unit. Frank Sturgis and Howard Hunt (both Watergate Burglars) were part of it....
Well, there's probably no way we will ever learn who did it but we can be sure of who did not. There is no possible way the Warren report is accurate and LHO did it ! That leaves a conspiracy. Take the hollywood tripe out of the film and Stones movie probably comes as close to the truth as we will ever know.
And JFK was a major dickhead, his dad the bootlegger bought him his Presedency !

I knew Bill Decker and his Deputy Harry Koch personally and I know Don Byrd former Sheriff of Dallas very well. They were all in the middle of the investigation and the aftermath.

In their opinions LHO absolutely a) pulled a trigger and b.) hit Kennedy and probably John Connally. They were not certain that a second gunman was present - or not present... just that they never found evidence of a second shooter. There were people all around the Grassy Knoll in front of the caravan leading to Interstate 35 - no one positively heard a shot behind them as far as I can tell

Their questions focused on the first and fourth shots (Kennedy neck shot as described by Ms Connally, and the 'miss')

I could believe either theory but find it difficult to imagine that LHO could get four very well aimed shots off with that stupid Italian carbine- but even more difficult that sooooo many professional investigators in FBI and Dallas could be connected and buy in to a cover up, much less members of the Warren Commission - too many conflicting political agendas with nothing to gain?.

If mob, don't you think Bobby would have honed into that, if Right Wing conspiracy LBJ would have a field day with GW in 64 Election.. Ditto if Soviet or Cuban trail.

Too many stretches for me to accept on face value that there was a second shooter.
There were people all around the Grassy Knoll in front of the caravan leading to Interstate 35 - no one positively heard a shot behind them as far as I can tell.

The Newmans (and several dozen others) tried to testify that they heard shots at the grassy knoll (Mr. Newman was a former Marine and had his family "hit the ground as shots whizzed over their heads). Some of these folks were bullied, badgered, threatened and even murdered.

This is a very complicated subject but when you start looking at all the objective evidence there are too many loose ends to say LHO acted alone. Just the fact that he was a deserter, defected to the USSR, married a girl who's father was a KGB officer and then was allowed to return to the US with no prosecution (Especially during those cold war days) is mind boggling.

Carlos Marcello, Sam Giancana, Cuban Exiles, former CIA agents, and other mafia members who the Kennedys double crossed after their election all had the motives, means and will to kill JFK. The only reason why this has remained an enigma is because those who carried out the hit hated the man and have little remorse for what they did.


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I read this in 'The 20th Century' by David Wallechinsky;

"In fact, Kennedy conspiracies have become an industry unto themselves. A convention is held each year in Dallas to swap theories and sell gruesome memorabilia, such as Oswald's coroner's tag, Ruby's gun, and bootleg autopsy photos, and a magazine, the Grassy Knoll Gazette, exists as a clearinghouse for wild theories".

Surely not!?

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