Knights Templar and North America, myth or fact?

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The last sentence sounds a bit like the forum :lol: ( apart from becoming a better man :lol: ).

But on the serious part, not wanting to ask you secrets, but is it about moral and values of life and such? What defines "a better man"?

Better can be anything you want it to be. I am not saying better than other people, but better as an individual. Everyone has their own morals and values. For me Masonry only broadens in.
Ah, thanks that's a clear answer. Sounds to me like a good goal. Good luck and I hope you succeed.

So what I understand is that this all is not a strictly described thing in masons, but the masons provide you with an environment and infuences that allow you to develop yourself freely, do I have that right?
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My experience was how our meetings were conducted. Being only 14 or 15 when I entered, I learned Roberts Rules of Order and various other ways in which to conduct myself in a civilized society. It greatly helped for my later years when I became a member of various professional clubs - CWA Union meetings, NJACO meetings, Council meetings, etc. Its a brotherhood and fraternity (not a club) that wants all its members to do well in life and does this by instilling and practicing standards and beliefs. Because its secret doesn't mean anything other than what GG said, a human condition. The answer to that would be why close a door - any door - behind you? :)
True Christianity believes in forgiveness of sins. The idea is that it's not up to us to convict, but up to god. Therefore every church should be open to any individual. Revence should not be part of the church. At least that's the teaching of Jesus. Unfortunately the church doesn't always do what they should preach. But in this case this is perfectly sound to the principe and in my eyes very moral.
Or it doesn't, depends on what you read.

Anyway, if we head down that particular discussion any further, it'll likely end up with the ban-hammer coming out, so I'll bow out of this conversation here.
Better move on to the The Knights Hospitaller, also known as the Knights of Saint John and The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem, or, if you like, The Teutonic Knights to save face....

;) :lol:
Not that this will mean much, but here are a couple of pictures of my brother fully suited up. He does this normally and over the last score of years. :)


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Better move on to the The Knights Hospitaller, also known as the Knights of Saint John and The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem, or, if you like, The Teutonic Knights to save face....

;) :lol:

Teutonic Knights were a different order than the Hospitaliers. "Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem" is the official name of the Teutonic Order aka "Ordo Teutonicus".

The Hospitaliers were founded in 1099 by Italians and the Teutonic Knights were founded in 1190 by Germans and based on the order of the Templars and pretty much came to an end as a military force in the early 1800's due to Napoleon, though what was left of the Teutonic order holed up in Austria out of Napoleon's reach (and ironically banned by the invading Nazis during WWII) and managed to survive to present day.

After the crusades, things didn't go well for the Hospitaliers and they were pretty much holes up in Malta, but Napoleon took that over and the Hospitaliers ended up being scattered all over, including Russia, but managed to eventually find a home in Rome and in modern times, established a mission in Malta, restoring their old fort at St. Angelo for historical and cultural events.

So they are two separate orders and are very much alive and active today.
Our New Zealand Ambulance Service is run by 'St Johns', which claims descent from the Hospitalers.

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