l'Omnivore Sobriquet
Airman 1st Class
Salut à tous.
I've been browsing this website for quite a long time now, and it is fine, and it is rich.
Jumping in.
I'm 47 and have been an aviation enthousiast all the way from childhood. Learned English at school, but practiced it reading aviation books and magazines.
I have a special like on WWII aviation, or "of the 1937-1946 era" as I say. Classic, from DC-2 first line schedules to 1st flight of the F-84.
I'd define myself as 'quite knowlegeable' on the topic, with good overall judgment, but certainly no expert. Every country, any kind of airplanes. A lot of love and interest, best garantees for renewed culture there.
Not too bad on the Nachjagd vs Bomber Command issues, and have an automatic like of late-war American production. Also keeping a decent book on everything French, which could be handy, here, apparently a guns 'n banana-hamburger dominated forum...
If you want to spice your interest in French aviation, i'd strongly advice the 1946-1958 'rebirth' period, with quite a lot a free creativity, and a definite flavour of 'sky high optimism' similar to late war Germany's "fuite en avant." (i.e. "flee from the front end", a gamble to outsmart opposition by over-playing the innovation card, or simply overdoing one's current trend beyond reasonnable limits.)
I'm no 'internet ranting rat', like surprises, and appreciate to be proven wrong eventually.
Current avatar is a mid 20th century picture from Parisian painter "Mathieu". It has no tittle as far as I know.
Don't like afaik, imho ... acronyms, and profoundly hate smileys.
I've been browsing this website for quite a long time now, and it is fine, and it is rich.
Jumping in.
I'm 47 and have been an aviation enthousiast all the way from childhood. Learned English at school, but practiced it reading aviation books and magazines.
I have a special like on WWII aviation, or "of the 1937-1946 era" as I say. Classic, from DC-2 first line schedules to 1st flight of the F-84.
I'd define myself as 'quite knowlegeable' on the topic, with good overall judgment, but certainly no expert. Every country, any kind of airplanes. A lot of love and interest, best garantees for renewed culture there.
Not too bad on the Nachjagd vs Bomber Command issues, and have an automatic like of late-war American production. Also keeping a decent book on everything French, which could be handy, here, apparently a guns 'n banana-hamburger dominated forum...
If you want to spice your interest in French aviation, i'd strongly advice the 1946-1958 'rebirth' period, with quite a lot a free creativity, and a definite flavour of 'sky high optimism' similar to late war Germany's "fuite en avant." (i.e. "flee from the front end", a gamble to outsmart opposition by over-playing the innovation card, or simply overdoing one's current trend beyond reasonnable limits.)
I'm no 'internet ranting rat', like surprises, and appreciate to be proven wrong eventually.
Current avatar is a mid 20th century picture from Parisian painter "Mathieu". It has no tittle as far as I know.
Don't like afaik, imho ... acronyms, and profoundly hate smileys.
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