Latest VC recipient

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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland
Trooper Mark Donaldson has today became the latest Australian to be awarded a VC, the first since the Vietnam war.
Australian digger Trooper Mark Donaldson awarded Victoria Cross for heroic gallantry

His VC citation reads -
For most conspicuous acts of gallantry in action in a circumstance of great peril in Afghanistan as part of the Special Operations Task Group during 'Operation Slipper', Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan.

Trooper Mark Gregor Donaldson enlisted into the Australian Army on 18 June 2002.

After completing Recruit and Initial and Employment Training he was posted to the 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment. Having successfully completed the Special Air Service Selection Course in April 2004, Trooper Donaldson was posted to Special Air Service Regiment in May 2004.

On 2 September 2008, during the conduct of a fighting patrol, Trooper Donaldson was travelling in a combined Afghan, US and Australian vehicle convoy that was engaged by a numerically superior, entrenched and coordinated enemy ambush.

The ambush was initiated by a high volume of sustained machine gun fire coupled with the effective use of rocket propelled grenades.

Such was the effect of the initiation that the combined patrol suffered numerous casualties, completely lost the initiative and became immediately suppressed.

It was over two hours before the convoy was able to establish a clean break and move to an area free of enemy fire.

In the early stages of the ambush, Trooper Donaldson reacted spontaneously to regain the initiative.

He moved rapidly between alternate positions of cover engaging the enemy with 66mm and 84mm anti-armour weapons as well as his M4 rifle.

During an early stage of the enemy ambush, he deliberately exposed himself to enemy fire in order to draw attention to himself and thus away from wounded soldiers.

This selfless act alone bought enough time for those wounded to be moved to relative safety.

As the enemy had employed the tactic of a rolling ambush, the patrol was forced to conduct numerous vehicle manoeuvres, under intense enemy fire, over a distance of approximately four kilometres to extract the convoy from the engagement area.

Compounding the extraction was the fact that casualties had consumed all available space within the vehicles.

Those who had not been wounded, including Trooper Donaldson, were left with no option but to run beside the vehicles throughout.

During the conduct of this vehicle manoeuvre to extract the convoy from the engagement area, a severely wounded coalition force interpreter was inadvertently left behind.

Of his own volition and displaying complete disregard for his own safety, Trooper Donaldson moved alone, on foot, across approximately 80 metres of exposed ground to recover the wounded interpreter.

His movement, once identified by the enemy, drew intense and accurate machine gun fire from entrenched positions.

Upon reaching the wounded coalition force interpreter, Trooper Donaldson picked him up and carried him back to the relative safety of the vehicles then provided immediate first aid before returning to the fight.

On subsequent occasions during the battle, Trooper Donaldson administered medical care to other wounded soldiers, whilst continually engaging the enemy.

Trooper Donaldson's acts of exceptional gallantry in the face of accurate and sustained enemy fire ultimately saved the life of a coalition force interpreter and ensured the safety of the other members of the combined Afghan, US and Australian force.

Trooper Donaldson's actions on this day displayed exceptional courage in circumstances of great peril.

His actions are of the highest accord and are in keeping with the finest traditions of the Special Operations Command, the Australian Army and the Australian Defence Force.
From Sky News: Full text of Donaldson VC citation
Fu*kin A, one hell of a soldier.... We all owe that kid a beer....


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I read he is the first recipient of the VC from any nation in over 40 years. As a mark of respect he was saluted by the Chief Of the Defence Forces, Angus Houston, our highest ranking officer.

He is a member of one of the most exclusive clubs in the world, with only 10 other surviving recipients alive in the world today.

True to Australian style, Trooper Donaldson does not believe he is a hero, just a mate, doing what mates do

He can be my friend anytime
B****y marvellous! He deserves all the praise he can shoulder, as well as the 'Cross. And, he is still alive to recieve it, which is almost unusual for a V.C. recipient.
IIRC There have been 3 recipients of the VC since the War on Terror began. The Aussie SASR Trooper, a Kiwi SASR Trooper, and a Brit Squaddie earned one in Iraq as well.

Footnote: My Great-Great Uncle earned a VC as a Blenheim Pilot during WW2. He also lived to recieve his award.
The forty year 'gap' closes as they meet one another...

Keith Payne's story...


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