Law Against Faking Receipt of Military Medals is Unconstitutional

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RA, no he put in his 20 and retired in the early '90 or late '80. so he's drawing the big govt check collecting corvettes in vegas. little jerk used to send me pics of himself at xmas time on the beach at the Royal Hawaii hotel
RA, Yea, though the humor was lost on me while i crawled through the mud, muck, bugs, thorns, VC, NVA, and ate C K rats from WWII plus as an added treat iodine laced water if i was lucky. -20 degrees in chicago was almost a treat but still no humor.
as i recall he started out in electronics, radar as i recall then went to subs. yea, we all laughed at him and told him what a moron he was for joining the navy. live and learn
Poking holes in the ocean, smelling the same farts and BO for weeks on end wasn't any picnic either.
hmmm, clean bunk, clean clothes, sheets, real food, water, and showers. sounds like a slice of heaven.
I remember rick saying something about one crew member being named "laundry Queen"
LOL Yeah....he ever mention the 40-hour workdays, followed by 4 hours rack-time? Hot-bunking? All food deep-fried? Endless series of drills? Very little fresh air?

Yeah, usually the most junior unqualified enlisted guy is the "laundry queen", responsible for doing the officers' laundry. Because grown men, trained to lead other men, can't figure out how to run a washer....
in the army it was RHIP. we did have hooch girls when at base camp who did all the chores so that was a plus and i did have my own bunk. i've heard about the hot bunking kinda creepy depending on the previous sleepers habits.
depending where we were we could easily be up 40hrs. as medic i carried lots of speed and morphine. ambushes were set at night and you did not dare sleep and the days were even hotter and more humid. then there were the rats, never thought much about rats in the jungle, big as cats. used to have to wrap up in your poncho with nothig exposed or you'd wake up with a rat chewing on it, nose, fingers, ears. and snakes. and bugs
fun times
Heh. Fun times all around, whatever the branch!

Dang. Kinda looks like we've hijacked this thread just a little bit.
i think everyone has had their say about alveraz and his fake MOH. take care RA, we'll meet on another thread.
did you put a torpedo on your shoulder and wake inland until someone asked you what that was on your shoulder?
It isn't the same thing at all - in cases of false advertisement, an individual has paid a business for a service or product which is not as advertised - basically, they've been conned. Fraudulent behaviour is not covered by freedom of speech either. But again, our lying hack had not defrauded anyone - even if someone had donated to his campaign on the grounds that he was supposedly an ex-Marine, I do not believe they would have had any legal recourse to get the money back, as they were not 'buying' his claim to be a Marine - they were simply giving money voluntarily to a candidate whose campaign they supported.

No, but there are various statutes for fraud identity theft that may apply.
He has defrauded people if they voted for him on the basis of his qualifications, which were untrue.

He could be considered to have wrongly benefitted from the fraud, by obtaining elected office.
Heh...."debunking" these guys should involve a long flight of stairs, a little bit of slippery substance, and an old baseball bat studded with rusty nails. Dark alley optional. :salute: to Mr. Waterman for his service, and for his efforts (and his team's!) in rooting out the imposters.
The local TV and newspapers are running items about guys in local bars saying they're seals since the bin ladin thing.
Guess they are trying to impress someone.

Well with the recent events that took place in Pakistan with the SEALs it seems that a lot of people are coming out the woodworks again to claim and be what they are not. Read this interesting article in the Stars and Stripes today.

i probably already told this but.... when i was selling firearms in the 80s, i mostly dealt with military style weapons. it was a nitch that i liked but it also drew in all the crackpots too. i met more proclaimed special forces viet nam vets than you could shake a stick at. of course i know they were full of it but let them rant on. the best one was a guy telling me how he jumped into cambodia or mind you i am filling out his paperwork for the purchase of a pistol. when i get to his age it comes out he was 2 years younger than me. i was too young for nam so that would've put him jumping out of a plane at the ripe old age of 10 or 11. when people are too free to spin the yarn of their military exploits....its most likely a lie.
The local TV and newspapers are running items about guys in local bars saying they're seals since the bin ladin thing.
Guess they are trying to impress someone.

Probably are, Charles...seen it used plenty of times over the years for free drinks and/or a peice of tail at the local watering hole.

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