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Master Sergeant
Apr 2, 2009
From a New Zealand forum that I'm a member of:

Hmm - just now I've realized the Do-17 from your sig has Croatian checkerboard under cockpit glazing
I've just been out to the airfield and seen something amazing and a little bit terrifying, but cannot comment further. You'll have to come to the airshow if you want to see more, or wait until after the show when we can post.
Hmm - just now I've realized the Do-17 from your sig has Croatian checkerboard under cockpit glazing

Glad you noticed! It's A1+EZ, 15. Staffel [Kroat] Gruppe KG53 in Russia, 1942. I might try to find some decals for it when I finally get my hands on the new Airfix Dornier Do17Z.

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