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Master Sergeant
Apr 2, 2009
From a New Zealand forum that I'm a member of:

Interesting things are afoot. This has come in from a southern correspondent... :eek:

"There have been more than a few rumours of 'area 51' type happenings at Omaka airfield in recent days and weeks, mostly at dusk.

Inquiries at the airfield and to the airshow organisers came back with the explanation that all people were seeing was this........


And sure enough we do see this guy floating around at dusk some evenings, but then someone who'd been particularly dedicated to watching the scene from a secret hiding place, also sent us this........"

Hmm - just now I've realized the Do-17 from your sig has Croatian checkerboard under cockpit glazing :)
I've just been out to the airfield and seen something amazing and a little bit terrifying, but cannot comment further. You'll have to come to the airshow if you want to see more, or wait until after the show when we can post.

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