LesOfPrimus' IL2 Video Clips....

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The video is done gents.......

March 2nd, 1945.. Taking off from Sachau Airbase in Germany, the Ta 152H-1's of III./JG301, with me flying Willi Reschkes' Black 13, take off to escort my fellow brothers in their Fw 190A-8/9's of III. Gruppe towards Magdeburg...

In real life, the Bf 109G-10's of IV./JG301 mistakenly attacked the Ta 152H's, scattering them and thus, putting an end to the anticipated showdown between the Ta 152H-1's and the P-51D Mustangs of the 78th, 339th, 353rd and the 357th Fighter Groups...

This video shows what would have happened had the 109G-10's not attacked their own...

The After Action Report that I filed lists 7x P-51 victories and 3x B-17 victories.... The P-51D is no match for the Ta 152H in any flight envelope... I made kills in tight turns, flat out speed, and a couple of kills in a steep climb... I took a bunch of .50 calibre rounds from the bombers, but nothing serious other than a fuel leak...

I actually ran out of gas on my landing approach...

I hope u guys enjoy my latest video endeavour.... Thanks again to Erich, Drgondog and GrauGeist... Props given during the end credits of course...

Music is Psychosocial by Slipknot.....



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Dan, you've outdone yourself here...seriously!

I've already watched it a couple times already, and it's just kickass all the way around.

The music works with the action, the gun camera footage looks like the real deal and you get a good sense of the "what if" angle of that day.

With all the effort hard work you've put into the research, editing, sorting through the footage, adding music to compile the final results and all, I hate to point out the one flaw...

It's just not long enough!

Just kiddin' man, it's awesome!!
That was most excellent Bud. You put alot of time and energy into that video and I enjoyed every second of it. Keep up the good work, if the misses will let you, hahaha..................just messin'

Well done.
Hey Dan, just watched your last vid, very very cool mate!! I agree with the others in saying the gun camera shots look great. Well done.
Makes me want to go out and buy this game, looks like serious fun! :cool:
Ive noticed that my Duality clip has half the views that my latest clip Psychosocial has, 26 to 13.... Kinda wierd...

As for my next video, for ur enjoyment and my frustration:

Friday Morning 0930
October 15th, 1943
Munda Airfield
Central Solomon Islands

Major Greg Boyingtons division of 4 aircraft is scheduled for a sweep after a B-24 raid on Kangu Hill supply depot near Kahili Airbase...

It didnt go quite as planned...

They ended up over Kahili Airfield before the bombers got there and watched the Zeros taking off....

Circling while the bombers dropped their loads, Boyington, Tucker on his wing, and 1st Lt. Bill Case, Emrich on his wing, noticed a group of 12 Zekes climbing to engage the B-24's.... Enjoying a tremendous advantage, the 4 Blacksheep dropped down on the Zeros and tore them up...

Case and Emrich each got 2 a piece, with Tucker getting 1, and Boyington getting another as well as 3 probables... It was my Grandfather Bill Cases' first and only muti-kill day and his 6 and 7th victories out of 8 kills in 3 combat tours in the Pacific...

The complexitites of the game are making this mission difficult to make.... The in-game AI doesnt fight like Boyington did....

We're gettin' another video!

The complexitites of the game are making this mission difficult to make.... The in-game AI doesnt fight like Boyington did....

Hey, have you though about having someone else in the mission to work your subjects?

I've been working on a video project for a while now (a heck of a long while, really) but I'm going to have to have some of my cohorts manning the gunner's positions of the enemy bombers in order to capture some shots I was looking for. That and perhaps have them be in a flight leader's position to get the enemy flights aligned exactly where I want 'em.

Also going to have them capture thier own tracks so I can be able to splice in those particular shots perspectives of thiers...

My main problem at the moment is that my main gamer is offline, so I'm stuck with my legacy (Win98) gamer to get my killin' fix until I get the monster back up...

Or...I might just say fark it, and wait for your videos, which are a hellofa lot better!
Ive never ever, not even once flown the game online Dave... I think it has to do with the different versions everyone has, what MODs are installed etc etc....

Ive got the mission figured out now, but had to break it down into 4 seperate mission tracks: takeoff, at altitude, circling over the airfield and bombers, and the bouncing of the 12 Zekes....

In one of my dry runs, all 4 of us got shot down by the Zekes thanks to Pappys decision to fly in a circle rather than drop down 5,000 feet to attack them... Artificial intelligence my ass....

The hard part now if figuring which song to use... Ive got the choices down to like 5 songs....
Very cool Ghost, I would like to play online with pals and whatnot, but my game has so many different MODS, I'd have to start all over and reinstall...

Screw that.....

On the other note, I have decided which song to use, a song Ive used before but not on my IL2 clips....

Willi Nelson by Clutch...

The other choices were:
Gimmie the Mic by Limb Bizkit
Unsung by Helmet
Enemy by Sevendust
Renegades by RATM

Ive already got the first minute done....
For some reason, I didnt post up a downloadable version of the VMF-214 Blacksheep Mission, so here it is...

This is my Grandfathers Story..
Music is Willie Nelson by CLUTCH...

Friday Morning 0930
October 15th, 1943
Munda Airfield
Central Solomon Islands

Major Greg Boyingtons division of 4 aircraft is scheduled for a sweep after a B-24 raid on Kangu Hill supply depot near Kahili Airbase...

It didnt go quite as planned...

They ended up over Kahili Airfield before the bombers got there and watched the Zeros taking off....

Circling while the bombers dropped their loads, Boyington, Tucker on his wing, and My Grandfather, 1st Lt. Bill Case, Emrich on his wing, noticed a group of 12 Zekes climbing to engage the B-24's.... Enjoying a tremendous advantage, the 4 Blacksheep dropped down on the Zeros and tore them up...

Case and Emrich each got 2 a piece, with Tucker getting 1, and Boyington getting another as well as 3 probables... It was my Grandfather Bill Cases' first and only muti-kill day and his 6 and 7th victories out of 8 kills in 3 combat tours in the Pacific...

Music is Willie Nelson by Clutch...



  • 0Dan's IL2 Willie Nelson.wmv
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I thought I posted it as well Dave.... OK here we go again....

Music is Gimmie The Mic by LIMP BIZKIT....

April 17th, 1945
München-Riem Airfield
Germany, April 1945

Lt. Heinz "Wimmersal" Sachsenberg, Staffelkapitän of the Platzschutzstaffel of JV 44, climbs into his Red and White Striped Fw 190D-9, coded "Red 1", for another airfield protection mission... The Me 262's are ready to intercept a box of B-17's heading NE of the airfield, and its the job of the Sachsenberg Schwarm to guard them from prowling Allied Fighters...

Once they got to orbiting the airfield at 600 meters, the radio comes alive with reports that the British 2nd TAF has planes in the vicinity.... No sooner do the 262's start down the runway, when out of the clouds pour Spitfires and Tempests....

Game on......

This video represents a scenario that could have happened... I claim 3 Spitfires and 1 Tempest certainly destroyed...

Music is Gimmie The Mic by Limp Bizkit....



  • 0Dan's Gimmie Da Mic.wmv
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