LesOfPrimus' IL2 Video Clips....

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Good luck on your vid projects Dan, it appears (as always...) we are awaiting with etremely baited breath (group halitosis not included *joking*).
The G-6 Hartmann project sounds cool, one question though, I take it he won't be flying his 'personal' tulip nosed A/C; this was frequently flown by the freshest pilot to the staffel/geshwader, as Russian pilots were unofficially warned not to engauge it.
Alright fellas, its been awhile....

As per Beau's winning choice Erich Hartmann, I did a bunch of research to find a mission that would work...

On Feb 26th, 1944, Lt. Erich Hartmann of the 9th Staffel, III Gruppe of JG52, based in the Ukraine, takes off to counter Soviet air resistance....

Over the span of 3 sorties, he destroys 10 Soviet P-39 Aircobras, bringing him past the Double Century mark...

This video highlights his mid-afternoon mission where he shoots down 5 of the P-39's....

Music is Hard to See by Five Finger Death Punch...


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Thanks alot fellas, glad u guys liked it, was a HUGE amount of work and Im pretty happy with what we ended up with....

Now, for the bonus question, who can tell me what small detail is completely and totally historically innacurate in the video????

First person to guess correctly gets to nominate the next clip...
The symbol on the tail on the left side?? Rudder, I can't really make out what it is I just don't ever recall him having it...

Nevermind.... I know what the symbol is
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Well, I have 2 that are on the way to production....

First of course is the huge III./JG54 highlighting the death of Knights Cross winner Bazi Weiss.... Waiting on the German skins for that one...

Second one is due to Harrison picking out the easter egg in the last one...

Hi Dan,

Can the next video be the battle of Y-29 on Christmas day, 1944. Primarily George Preddy?

During the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, elements of the group were moved to fighter strip Y-29, Asche, Belgium. On Christmas Eve, Preddy indulged in a game of craps and scooped the pot to win $1200, which he intended to invest in war bonds. On Christmas Day, Preddy led 10 of his P-51s on a patrol. They were vectored to a formation of enemy planes, and in the ensuing fight, though the squadron became scattered, Preddy downed two more Bf-109s. He and his wingman, Lt. James Cartee, were then vectored to an unknown number of bandits near Liege. Preddy saw a FW-190 on the deck and went after him at treetop height. As they roared over American ack-ack batteries, Preddy was hit by friendly ground fire and killed, probably by the bullets from the quad 50s.
Wiki's write up for that Xmas Day...

"He was commanding officer of the 328th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group when he was killed on Christmas Day, 1944 by friendly fire. Mid-morning of December 25, Preddy and his flight of 10 Mustangs, which had been patrolling for about 3 hours, received vectors to a dogfight already in progress. Preddy engaged two Bf 109s, destroying them. He received radar vectors to intercept a lone FW 190 which had been strafing allied ground forces southeast of Liege, Belgium; he led his flight of 3 Mustangs and gave chase, but passing over the Allied front line at tree-top height, an American anti-aircraft unit (believed to be the a battery of the 430th AA attached to the 258th FABN XIXth), fired at the approaching aircraft, missed the enemy aircraft, and hit all 3 of the P-51s, killing Preddy whose aircraft hit the ground at high speed and low angle of attack causing it to break up into many pieces. Preddy had no chance of surviving the crash."

George's brother William Preddy was also a P-51 pilot in the ETO in World War II with the 503rd FS, 339th FG. He died from lack of immediate medical care for wounds he sustained after being shot down by AAA while strafing Budejovice aerodrome in Czechoslovakia on the April 17, 1945.

Both brothers are buried side by side at Lorraine American Cemetery, St. Avold, France

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