List of Forum Experts (2 Viewers)

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Not meaning to brag, but my training started early. At the time of the photo, I was flying a surplus WWII trainer ... SOLO!!

Who can identify this warbird, its mission and the theaters in which it operated?


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I can't imagine an internet forum in the world where crowd sourcing a list of Subject Matter Experts would end well.

Perhaps we can create a list of members who are published authors and their work so we can judge for ourselves. I know we have several on this site.
The original idea was to provide a list of members who would be a go-to for questions in a certain field.

Like if we had a specific question regarding the P-51, then drgndog would be a solid source.

If we wanted to know more about F-15 operation/performance, then biff15 would be the guy to ask.

And so on...

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  • GTX